
Warning Against Riba (Usury) Transactions - (English)

This is an advice from the previous Grand Mufti in Saudi Arabia in regard to Riba (usury) transactions that have proliferated in the recent times through the numerous financial institutions that have been established throughout the world.


Delaying Pilgrimage for No Reason - (English)

A fatwa in English in which Sh. Abdulaziz ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) answers a question about delaying the pilgrimage without a reason, and shows the prestige of this rite in Islam.


Solution to the Palestinian issue - (English)

A fatwa from Shaikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz who explains the solution to the Palestinian issue. He confirms that the first step on the road to the right solution is to consider the Palestinian issue an Islamic issue not only an Arab issue.


Celebrating the Night of the Israa’ and Mi’raaj - (English)

A fatwa in English shows the Islamic perspective on celebrating this occasion and confirms that there is no Islamic evidence that refers to its real date. Afterwards, it mentions some Quranic verses and Prophetic hadiths which confirm that Allah, the Almighty, perfected and completed Islam before the Prophet’s death so....


Important Fatwas regarding the Rites of Hajj and Umrah - (English)

Some fatawa in English in which Sh. Ibn Baz answers some questions related to pilgrimage and Umrah.


Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan - (English)

Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan: This article reveal the history of celebrating the middle of Sha’baan, and the rule of such act along with the saying of the scholars in this regard.


The concept of extremism in the religion - (English)

The concept of extremism in the religion


Advice for the youth who cannot afford marriage - (English)

Advice for the youth who cannot afford marriage


Raising children on observing the prayer - (English)

Raising children on observing the prayer


Treatment of obsession about the Islamic creed - (English)

Treatment of obsession about the Islamic creed


Ruling on writing on graves - (English)

Ruling on writing on graves