
Prophet Manner of Performing Prayer - (English)

A book in English confirms that each act of worship has a certain way to perform which Allah or his Prophet (peace be upon him) clarified so it shows and describes in detail the Prophet's prayer. It urges every Muslim to imitate the Prophet as in his saying, "Pray as....


Effective ways of reforming the youth and their circumstances at the present time - (English)

Effective ways of reforming the youth and their circumstances at the present time


Women Travelling with Other Women without a Mahram - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which Sh. Abdulaziz ibn Baz answers the following question, "Is a woman counted as a mahram for a non-related woman when travelling and in other cases or not?"


English Translations of Collection of “Noor ala Al-Darb” Programs - (English)

Fourteen volumes translated into English contains the fatawa of Sh. Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) delivered in the program Noor Ala Ad-Darb (Light on the Way). It was weekly broadcast on Saturday evening for over 30 years on the radio. This program This permission for translation was....


English Translations of Majmoo’al-Fatawa of Late Scholar Ibn Baz - (English)

Thirty volumes translated into English contains the fatawa of Sh. Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him). This permission for translation was granted in response to the requests of many people, hoping that Allah extends their great academic benefit to all. We implore Allah to add it to the....


Zakaah - (English)

A brief but nice booklet discussing Zakaah, those items and amounts upon which it is due, and where it is to be spent. Includes a few important fataawa related to Zakaah


Ruling On Joining and Following Islamic Groups - (English)

A question answered by Sh. Abdulaziz ibn Baz which is: A lot of Muslim youths are asking about the ruling on joining Islamic groups and adhering exclusively to the methodology of a particular group.


Ramadan Fatawa - (English)

Audios in English contain reading of the book “Fatwas of Ramadan on Fasting, Night Prayer, I’tikaf, and Zakat al-Fitr,” in which Sh. Ashraf Abdul-Maqsoud collected some fatwas of our scholars such as Sh. Ibn Taymeyya, Sh. Abu Butain, Sh. Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al Ash-Sheikh, Sh. As-Saadi, Sh. Ibn Baz, Sh.....


Raising children on observing the prayer - (English)

Raising children on observing the prayer


Advice for the youth who cannot afford marriage - (English)

Advice for the youth who cannot afford marriage


Celebrating the Night of the Israa’ and Mi’raaj - (English)

A fatwa in English shows the Islamic perspective on celebrating this occasion and confirms that there is no Islamic evidence that refers to its real date. Afterwards, it mentions some Quranic verses and Prophetic hadiths which confirm that Allah, the Almighty, perfected and completed Islam before the Prophet’s death so....


Solution to the Palestinian issue - (English)

A fatwa from Shaikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz who explains the solution to the Palestinian issue. He confirms that the first step on the road to the right solution is to consider the Palestinian issue an Islamic issue not only an Arab issue.