
Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet is a religious innovation that has no basis in Islam - (English)

Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet is a religious innovation that has no basis in Islam


English Translations of Majmoo’al-Fatawa of Late Scholar Ibn Baz - (English)

Thirty volumes translated into English contains the fatawa of Sh. Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him). This permission for translation was granted in response to the requests of many people, hoping that Allah extends their great academic benefit to all. We implore Allah to add it to the....


Ramadan Fatawa - (English)

Audios in English contain reading of the book “Fatwas of Ramadan on Fasting, Night Prayer, I’tikaf, and Zakat al-Fitr,” in which Sh. Ashraf Abdul-Maqsoud collected some fatwas of our scholars such as Sh. Ibn Taymeyya, Sh. Abu Butain, Sh. Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al Ash-Sheikh, Sh. As-Saadi, Sh. Ibn Baz, Sh.....


The Ideological Attack - (English)

An English book shows some plans that many countries prepare to ideological attack the Muslim countries.


Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan - (English)

Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan: This article reveal the history of celebrating the middle of Sha’baan, and the rule of such act along with the saying of the scholars in this regard.


Rulings and Virtues of Fasting in Ramadan - (English)

The Fasting of Ramadan: a reference that simplified all matters pertaining to the fast and Ramadan in this short and concise treatise.


Celebrating the Night of the Israa’ and Mi’raaj - (English)

A fatwa in English shows the Islamic perspective on celebrating this occasion and confirms that there is no Islamic evidence that refers to its real date. Afterwards, it mentions some Quranic verses and Prophetic hadiths which confirm that Allah, the Almighty, perfected and completed Islam before the Prophet’s death so....


Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan - (English)

Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan: This article reveal the history of celebrating the middle of Sha’baan, and the rule of such act along with the saying of the scholars in this regard.