
Explanation of Amma Part - (English)

Twenty-one episodes in English in which Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly explains some Quranic chapters in Amma Part from Surat Al-Infitar to Surat Al-Fil as follows: 1- Al-Infitar (the Cleaving). 2- Al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Deal in Fraud) 3- Al-Inshiqaq (the Splitting Asunder) 4- At-Tariq (the Night-Comer) 5- Al-A’la (the Most High)....


Explanation of Al-Kursy Verse (Footstool) - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explained the verse number 255 in Surat Al-Baqarah, known as the verse of Al-Kursy (Footstool).


The Friday Prayer - (English)

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Who Is Your God? What Is Your Religion? Who Is Your Prophet? - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the questions that every Muslim will be asked in the grave: Who is your Lord, what is your religion, who is your Prophet.


Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the virtue of enjoining the good and forbidding evil, the rite with which Allah distinguishes Muslims.


Disobedience to Allah and His Prophet - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the consequences and dangers of disobeying Allah and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).


The Virtues of Prayer - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the virtue of walking to mosques to perform congregational prayers.


The Excellence of Prayer - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the virtue and rules of prayer in Islam.


Why Do We Go to Friday Prayer? - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the purpose of Muslims' going to Friday prayer and the reward and benefit that we obtain by attending this great ritual.


Virtues of Surah al-Kahf and the Last Two Verses of Surah al-Baqarah - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the virtues of Surat Al-Kahf and the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah.


Hijab - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he explains the rules and virtues of hijab in Islam.


Purification of the Soul - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Muhammad Sayyed Adly in which he speaks about the soul and how to purify it, which is what the texts of Islam urge.