
Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Truly Is the Prophet of Allah - (English)

A book in English compiles proofs, verses, signs, and miracles (including the miraculous nature of the Quran) which prove the authentic prophecy of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Many brilliant scholars have studied these proofs (some of which are scientific) and become convinced of his message,....


A Letter from the Adherents of the Sunnah of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (sws) to the Shia - (English)

In this great book the writer elaborated on a partial selection of the erroneous beliefs and false allegations of this sect, with an explanation of why they are incorrect, followed by a brief, but unequivocal rebuttal of each. A Must Read Book!


God, the Creator: Muslim Glorification vs. Christian & Infidel Falsehoods and Atheists' Denial - (English)

A book in English affirms the existence of Allah, the Creator of this universe and all things. His oneness, supreme attributes and actions, absolute power, perfect knowledge, and wisdom have all been confirmed to us through numberless signs as shown in this book.


A Comparison between Islam, Christianity and Judaism and the choice between them - (English)

In this treatise a comparative study of Islam, Christianity and Judaism, with particular attention to their creeds respectively. This will clarify for us the authentic from the unreliable, the acceptable and the unacceptable, so that the objective reader can decide with certainty between the three faiths.


A Peaceful Dialogue between a Buddhist and a Muslim - (English)

Questions asked by a Buddhist and logical rational answers provided by Islam on the tongue of one of the Muslims, It is clear from it the complete compatibility and harmony of what Islam brought with what is accepted by pure nature, contemplated by pure souls, and looked forward to by....


Islam and the Discoveries of Modern Science As one of the testaments and proofs that Muhammad (salutations and peace of Allaah be upon him) was a prophet and messenger - (English)

Stunning scientific facts that the Noble Qur’an and the illustrious Prophetic Hadeeth informed us of over 1400 years ago, at a time when no one had even the slightest knowledge of such facts. Then comes modern scientific discoveries confirming their accuracy and authenticity, thereupon becoming one of the testaments and....


Why Choose Islam as a Religion ? - (English)

Choosing between Islam and other belief (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc)


God, the Creator, and The Message of his The last of all prophets and messengers Muhammad(sws) - (English)

Proof of the Existence of God Almighty: His Oneness, His Supreme Attributes and Actions, and His Absolute Power Evidence, proofs and miracles that witness to the prophecy of Muhammad (sws) and testify that he is the last of all prophets and messengers


A Quiet dialogue Between a Christian and a Muslim - (English)

These are questions that a Christian asks and rational and logical answers that Islam presents to him on the tongue of a Muslim, so that those with pure instincts and souls and reasonable preponderant minds can distinguish between the right and the wrong, the good and the bad, and then....


The Concise Methodology Of Proving the Existence of the Creator God, His Oneness and the Sincerity of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad’s Call (Peace Be Upon Him) - (English)

The Concise Methodology Of Proving the Existence of the Creator God, His Oneness, His Great Attributes, His Omnipotence, the Sincerity of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad’s Call (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Credibility of His Message


Quiet Dialogue Between a Muslim and a non-Muslim - (English)

Questions asked by a non-Muslim and logical rational answers provided by Islam on the tongue of one of the Muslims in order to facilitate for those who have pure nature, clean souls and rational preponderant minds distinguishing between the correct and wrong, good and bad and then make a clear....


The Concise Introduction of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, His Call, Luminous Images from His Bright Life, and Evidence from the Proofs of His Prophethood and Message - (English)

A book translated into English contains a concise introduction to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), his Call, luminous images from his bright life, and proofs of his prophethood and message.