
Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah: The Best Way to Introduce the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, Is through His Own Sayings - (English)

A book translated into English talks about the life story of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It sheds the light on statements of contemporary figures in Western society who spoke favorably of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention).


Doctrines of the Twelver Shiite (Enquiry and Response) - (English)

A book translated into English provides the reader with brief questions and answers on the most important doctrines of Shiites of the twelve imams.


Become Acquainted with Islam - (English)

A book in English in which the author provides the readers with the meaning of Islam, before explaining its pillars. The word "Islam" has many meanings. It means submission, safety, and peace. In this study, when we mention the word Islam, it means the religion that Allah, the Almighty, revealed....


Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths - (English)

It is an integrated project to choose the Prophetic Hadiths in the Islamic content, explain them in a simplified and adequate way, translate them in a high quality based on accurate procedures into famous languages, then publish them through all available means. This the English version.


What must be known about islam? - (English)

What must be known about islam?


Surah al-Kahf - (English)

The Qur’ān speaks with the perfect knowledge of the Creator about His creation. This surah’s distinguishing feature is its historic narratives, sent down by the Lord of mankind to establish truth and to correct erroneous beliefs. It teaches with wisdom and establishes the best system of life for humanity. The....


The Declaration of Faith - (English)

The testimony of "Laa ilaaha ill-Allah", its meaning, prerequisites, conditions, and fruits.


Simple Lessons On Tawhid - (English)

Simple Lessons On Tawhid


The Ruling on Magic and Fortunetelling - (English)

A book in English warns and simply clarifies the great danger of magic and shows the Islamic perspective of going to magicians, based on the Quranic and Prophetic texts.


Understanding Islam - (English)

A colorful book in English for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains the eternal message of Islam by showing its fundamentals, pillars, characteristics, virtues, rules, and legislation. It also contains its perspective on economy, social life, and morals.


The Quran and Modern Science - (English)

A book in English in which the author mentions some statements of a scientific nature contained in the Quran and other subjects to specialists from other disciplines. Astronomers, zoologists, geologists, and specialists in the history of the earth would all have been struck, just as forcibly as medical doctors, by....


Just One Message - (English)

A book translated into English discusses those sincerely and honestly seeking for the true religion and refutes the Christianity creed specially believing in trinity.