
Know Your Prophet - (English)

Highlights from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.


The Common Origin of Humanity - (English)

The Quran, the Muslim sacred scripture, informs humanity of their common origins from Adam and Eve.


The True Status of Women in Islam - (English)

The veil and its meaning in Islam and the Judeo-Christian tradition, as well as a brief look at the Islamic stance towards women.


Religious Mysteries - The Crucifixion - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Laurence Brown discusses the crucifixion doctrine in Christianity. He refutes this doctrine based on many aspects and confirms that it is baseless in Christianity.


Punishment In The Grave - (English)

The punishment in the grave is the result of the sins committed by the heart, the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the tongue, the stomach, the private parts, the hands, the feet, and the body as a whole.


Fasting and Zakaah - (English)

This is a booklet that briefly addresses the rulings of Fasting, including a clarification of the categories of people relative to the obligation of fasting, the immeasurable benefits of fasting, and things that nullify fasting. We will also address the benefits and rulings pertaining to Zakaah.


Accepting Islam - (English)

1- Overcoming obstacles 2- Accepting Islam washes away previous sins.


Morality and Ethics in Islam - (English)

The place of morality in Islam and its relation to worship.


Misconceptions about Allah - (English)

1-Who is one true God? 2- If God is One why does Quran use the word We? 3- Religion in Pre Islamic Arabia.


God’s Preservation of the Sunnah - (English)

1-The following series of articles discusses the means used throughout history to ensure that the Sunnah, or teachings of Prophet Muhammad, remained authentically preserved and free from alteration and interpolation. Part One: The warning given by the Prophet to those who say things about him which are untrue, and the....


Preservation of the Quran - (English)

Two articles in English talk about Allah's preservation of His Noble Book throughout the ages, in the past and the present. It is not only memorized and written by our Prophet's companions (may Allah be pleased with them) but also memorized and written by millions of Muslims today.


What We Must Believe of the Companions - (English)

An article in English explains how Muslims see the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They are the best people after the prophets, the most sincere of this nation, the deepest in knowledge, and the most guided. The best of them is Abu Bakr....