
Reviving Iman by Tadabbur Al-Qur’an - (English)

Explanation of the importance of Tadabbur Al-Qur’an for the heart


What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? - (English)

An article in English shows the stance of Islam towards terrorism. It contains some Islamic texts showing Muslims' morals in the war, the mercy of Islam to animals, and the prohibition of murder.


My Mercy Prevails Over My Wrath - (English)

How Mercy is manifest in God, and examples of the mercy of the Prophet and his Companions .


Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan - (English)

Ruling on Celebrating the Middle of Sha’baan: This article reveal the history of celebrating the middle of Sha’baan, and the rule of such act along with the saying of the scholars in this regard.


Omar bin Abdul Aziz - (English)

A brief introduction to the man known as the fifth rightly guided Caliph


Did God Become Man? - (English)

1-The Belief in One God and service to Him is one which is inherent in all humans. 2-A look at the concept of God and pantheism in polytheistic faiths, specifically Hinduism. 3-Examples of the religions which believe that God became one man, that all humans are a part of God,....


Women’s Liberation through Islam - (English)

1- The various civil, social, political and economic rights which have been given to women in Islam. 2- The complimentary roles of husbands and wives in Islam.


A Glimpse of Muslim Spain - (English)

With the arrival of the Muslims in Spain, the once arid and illiterate land became the capital of European scholarship and agriculture, where people of all faiths were granted security under Muslim rule.


The Divine Mercy of God - (English)

A practical explanation of two of the most oft-repeated names of Allah: ar-Rahman and ar-Raheem, and the nature of the All-Encompassing Mercy of God.


Fikh of Fasting Zakat Al-fitr & Eid - (English)

This is a article consisting of the rulings of fasting with its proofs from the Quran and Sunnah


Islam in China - (English)

1-An account of how and when Islam first entered China. 2-The spread of Islam in China upon its arrival, and a glimpse of the various mosques built in that era.


Can We See God? - (English)

The question of whether God may be seen in this life by Prophets, saints, and the average laymen, and whether He may be seen in the Hereafter.