
Simple Hajj Guide - (English)

A simple and brief English guide on pilgrimage which describes its rites. It is excerpted from the book entitled, "Rites of Pilgrimage" written by Sh. Albani (may Allah have mercy on him).


Funeral Rites in Islam - (English)

1- Preparing for death. 2- What should be done immediately after death and by whom? 3- What happens after the burial and how Islamic practices compare with other religions.


Are we Alone? - (English)

What are Jinn? Who is Shaytaan? Jinn exist amongst us but apart from us


A Message of Love to All Seekers of Truth - (English)

A small booklet in English for the seekers of truth in which it talks about the right God, Allah. If any person takes what is mentioned in it into consideration, he should get the clearer truth. It confirms that Allah is the right God and he only deserved to be....


Scientific Accuracy of the Quran Amazes University of Toronto Professor - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Keith Moore, Professor of Anatomy and Chairman of the Department of Faculty of Medicine, shows unprecedented Quranic discovery over the embryology to close the gap between science and religion which has existed for so many years.


The Fitrah - (English)

The predisposition in humans to worship One God. By Dr. Bilal Philips Published on 05 Jan 2009 - Last modified on 01 Jan 2012 Viewed: 10786 (daily average: 7) - Rating: 4.4 out of 5 - Rated by: 25 Printed: 448 - Emailed: 18 - Commented on: 0 Category: Articles....


The Quran on Mountains - (English)

Both the Quran and science agree to the structural makeup of mountains and the role they play in maintaining the stability of the Earth.


Why Mrs. Cecilla Cannoly Accepted Islam? - (English)

An article in English in which Mrs. Cecilla Cannoly tells her story of embracing Islam after suffering from her obscure faith.


Sikhism - (English)

1- A religion born out of dissatisfaction. 2-The nature of the religion and the concept of God.


How Dr. Benoist Accepted Islam? - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Benoist relates how he embraced Islam after reading Surat Al-Ikhlas. This is an article for anyone who wants to know the monotheism fact in Islam.


Hinduism - (English)

:Article consists of four parts containing 1- A brief overview of Hinduism in a series of articles discussing it from a comparative religions perspective. 2-Two big differences between Hinduism and Islam. 3-A comparison of the rights of women in Hinduism & Islam 4-Widows, sati and the caste system.


STORY OF QARUN - (English)