
Why Mrs. Cecilla Cannoly Accepted Islam? - (English)

An article in English in which Mrs. Cecilla Cannoly tells her story of embracing Islam after suffering from her obscure faith.


How Dr. Benoist Accepted Islam? - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Benoist relates how he embraced Islam after reading Surat Al-Ikhlas. This is an article for anyone who wants to know the monotheism fact in Islam.


Ḥa’iyyah of Ibn Abi Dawud - (English)

Ḥa’iyyah of Ibn Abi Dawud


STORY OF QARUN - (English)



The Evil Consequences of Lying - (English)

An article in English in which the author shows some of the evil consequences of lying, based on some Quranic verses and Prophetic sayings.


What If You Find a Watch in the Sand? - (English)

An article in English in which its writer explains the invalidity of the concept of atheism and the clarity of the concept of Allah's lordship.


Some Misconceptions about Women in Islam - (English)

Islam gave women rights and privileges at a time when only barbaric manners and values dominated. Yet, some people argue that Islam has alienated women in some domains. In fact, this belief is a misconception. People who say so, may have read about it in a magazine or seen it....


Choosing a School and Friends for Your Child - (English)

An article in English in which the author shows some rules that parents have to follow while choosing schools and friends for their sons.


Three Common Mistakes made after Prayer - (English)

An article in English in which the writer shows some mistakes that people may make once finishing prayer. It is a part from the great book of Sh. Mashhoor Hasan Salmaan, "Alfasl Almubin fi Akhtaa Almusallin".


Guidelines for the Husband in Interacting with his Wife - (English)

An article in English in which the author shows about thirty manners which a husband has to follow while dealing with his wife.


Are Muslim Women Oppressed? - (English)

An article in English in which the author shows that Islam is a religion that did not oppress or belittle woman. Instead, it honored and gave them the status they deserve.