
Categories of People Regarding Knowledge - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh shows the categories of people in benefitting the Islamic knowledge as Imam Ibn Al-Qayyem explained the Prophetic hadith, “The guidance and knowledge with which God has commissioned me are like abundant rain which fell on some ground. Part of it was....


Advice to the Students of Knowledge - (English)

Sh. Muhammad ibn Saleh Al-Utheimeen said, "I sincerely advise, myself first, and my Muslim brothers, especially the students of knowledge not to make haste and be quick when a new issue befalls a person until he verifies the situation, gains knowledge and then speaks, so that he does not speak....


Seeking Knowledge until Death - (English)

A useful article in English in which the author explains the importance of seeking knowledge until death.


Literacy in Islam - (English)

1-Even war and occupation cannot erase Baghdad’s legacy of literacy. 2-The first revealed word of the Quran began a legacy of literacy and education for all. 3- Education in early Islamic history.


How Does a Learned Person Call to Allah? - (English)

A short piece of advice translated into English in which Sheikh Ibn Utheimeen shows some rules we have to follow while calling to Allah, the Almighty.