
The Wing of a Mosquito - (English)

The Prophet Mohammad (Peace be Upon him) said: “If this worldly life were equivalent in Allah’s sight to even a wing of a Mosquito, He would not have given a disbeliever even a drink of water in it.”(Al-Tirmidhi)


Running on Empty - (English)

This is one of the best talks on the subject of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity. Till date it has gone through various publications; and had been the means for guidance of the millions of people throughout the world; by taking them out of the darkness of....


Quran and Science - (English)

Quran and Modern Science: This lecture describes the scientific nature contained in the Qur’an and other subjects to specialists from other disciplines. Astronomers, zoologists, geologists and specialists in the history of the earth would all have been struck, just as forcibly as medical doctors, by the presence in the Qur’an....


Do we all die in Peace? Is it Hellfire of Paradise? - (English)

Share this video with all your friends. For those who really want to know a little more about next life and have asked them self the question "what will happen to me when I die?" then you might want to watch this show.


Commonalities and Differences between Islam and Christianity - (English)

Some of the commonalities between these two faiths, as we’ve mentioned in previous lectures are as follows: Jesus is the Messiah, immaculate conception of Mary, various miracles performed by Jesus, belief in the same God the Creator.


Are you New to Islam? A Program for New Muslims - (English)

Please share this with all your friends especially our new Muslim brothers and sisters in Islam. In this Show we will inshallah be going over some good things for our new Muslim brother and sisters in Islam with our Guest Dr sabeel from GainPeace.


And Return in Repentance to your Lord - (English)

A very interesting lecture by Abu Mussab regarding the importance of making Tawbah, its conditions, as well as practical ways and rulings concerning its various aspects. It shows the reality of repentance and the way leading to it.


Islamic Education -5- Seven Habits for Raising Good Children - (English)

In fifth episode Dr Bilal Philips talks about the seven habits for raising good children. A very interesting episode.


Islamic Education -4- Seven Habits for Raising Good Children - (English)

In fourth episode Dr. Bilal Philips talks about the seven habits for raising good children. A very interesting episode.


Islamic Education -3- Muslim Teachers - (English)

In third episode Dr Bilal Philips explains the importance of Muslim teachers, their attitude towards their students and towards the Muslim ummah. The qualities of a Muslim teacher and the correct knowledge.


Islamic Education -2- Muslim Students - (English)

In second episode Dr Bilal Philips explains who are the Muslim students? How should a Muslim student behave? What are the characteristics of a Muslim student? Students should work hard to obtain the authentic knowledge of Islam.


Guide to Perform Hajj and Umrah - (English)

This is very interesting video which we present to be a beacon for the pilgrims and who wants to perform Umrah to avoid mistakes during this trip. It shows the rites of hajj step by step. He also shows the results (i.e. expiation and ransom) of leaving a rite of....