
Recited Quran with Translating Its Meanings into English (Audio and video – Part 14 - Episode 1) - (English)

This video contains Quran recitation with translating its meanings into English. You can listen to the recitation, see the Arabic text and see the English translation at the same time.


Biography of the Prophet - Episode 23 - (English)

A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....


Mistakes Pilgrims Make on Mount Noor and in Cave Hira - (English)

A short video in English mentions some mistakes that pilgrims may make on Mount Noor and in Cave Hira.


Talking about Women, Marriage, Islam, and Pornography - (English)

In this episode of "The Deen Show" in English, Sh. Omar Suleiman shows Islam's perspective on marriage and pornography. He confirms that the hijab is legislated to honor and elevate not to punish women. He provides deep meanings of hijab and the dangerous results of pornography for both boys and....


James Accepts Islam - (English)

A short episode in English of the famous program "The Deen Show" shows how Mr. James embraces Islam. Afterwards the host Mr. Eddie gives a piece of advice such as that Allah forgives all of the previous sins of a person as soon as s/he embraces Islam.


Depression and Anxiety - (English)

This lecture is very important in general where you have full guidance on Depression and Anxiety and how people should live on earth.


Employee’s tolerance of his manager’s bad manners - (English)

Employee’s tolerance of his manager’s bad manners


Muslim Mettle - (English)

No Description


Dr. Laurence Brown: My conversion to Islam - (English)

In this video, Briefings about Dr. Brown and How he came to Islam? his searching through different religions and debunking of certain biases against Islam.


The Coca Cola Muslim Generation - (English)

In this lecture Shaikh Abdur Raheem Green talks on the topic of “The Coca Cola Muslim Generation” a very important and beneficial lecture.


Islam Story of Kenneth from England - (English)

A short video in English in which Mr. Kenneth from England relates his story of converting to Islam and how his life changed after he left Christianity.


Safety is a requirement, and precaution is an absolute must! For everyone's sake, stay home - (English)

Safety is a requirement, and precaution is an absolute must! For everyone's sake, stay home