
Actions Are But By Intention - (English)

In this lecture, Sh. Moutasem Al-Hameedi explains the hadith, "Actions are but by intentions and every man will have only that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His Messenger, his migration was for Allah and His Messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some....


Yes! Jesus is the Messiah - (English)

An explanation of the ’real’ message and religion which Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Qur’an. How did the Quran Narrated the stories of the messengers and prophets from Adam to Muhammad, and the Quran had explained in detail the story of Jesus....


Salvation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam - (English)

This is a short video on the concept of salvation in the three Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Has the concept of Salvation preoccupied you your whole life? What is the path to the Divine forgiveness and mercy? What is the path to God and to Paradise? What is....


Knowing Our Purpose - (English)

In this episode Dr Bilal Philips talks in detail on a very important topic of ‘Knowing Our Purpose’ in which he explained the importance of worshiping One God, following Islam as our ideal religion, following Quran and Sunnah.


Islam: The Religion Of Truth - (English)

How do we know Islam is the religion from Allah? How do we know Islam is the truth (Haqq)? Over fourteen hundred years ago a man came and called people towards the pure and beautiful religion of Islam. He was Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) the last and final messenger....


Meaning of the word ISLAM - (English)

An episode in English in which Sh. Abderrahim Green shows the meaning of Islam, mentions its virtues, and confirms that Islam provides us with a comprehensive methodology for individuals and societies so that we get Allah's blessings and avoid his punishment in the hereafter.


The Message - La ilaaha illallaah - (English)

This lecture will present the essential message which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and all the other prophets brought to humanity.


The Moral Principles behind Belief in the Destiny - (English)

A Friday speech in English in which Sh. Bilal Philips explains the sixth pillar of Faith, belief in destiny. He shows why so many people went astray about the right understanding of this pillar to the extent that some have denied it totally while others completely denying the human free....


Achieving the Goal of Life - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses the issue of achieving the goal of life and shows some points to do it.


The Purity in Islam - (English)

The Purity in Islam


Prophet Muhammad Prophesied in the Bible - (English)

In this episode of "The Deen Show" in English, Sh. Alaa As-Sayyed brings forth the proof of how the last Prophet, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has been prophesied in the Bible.


An-Nawawy’s Forty Hadiths: (16) Restraining Oneself from Anger - (English)

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), “Counsel me,” so he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Do not become angry.” The man repeated [his request for....