
God across History - (English)

A very useful video answers the following questions: (1) How did humanity worship God across history? (2) What was the concept of God in ancient religions? (3) How do today’s major religions view God? (4) Is theology equally important across religious traditions?


Give Me a Reason to Be Muslim - (English)

An animation in English with interesting voice over explaining ten reasons for non-Muslims to embrace Islam, urging them to know it, and drawing attentions to its distinctive points such as being the religion harmonious with human nature.


Does God Exist? - (English)

Losing control of the steering wheel for a second on the highway is enough reason to cause a crisis. Incorrect temperature is enough reason to cause a bomb explosion. The Olympic champions know the value of the moment as the difference between glory and loss. Everything in this world has....


Hajj Step by Step - (English)

A very interesting video in English that is considered a beacon for pilgrims and those who want to perform umrah to avoid mistakes during this noble trip. It shows the rites of pilgrimage step by step. Moreover, it shows the results (i.e. expiation and ransom) of leaving a rite of....


Dear Human! - (English)

An amazing video helps the confused person to find the way to the right religion through correct thinking and away from bias or blind following. The narrator says in the beginning, "I am talking to you as a human. It does not matter whether you are a Christian, Jew, Buddhist,....


What They Say about the Prophet Muhammad - (English)

What They Say about the Prophet Muhammad Statements and testimonies of foreign orientalists,  historians, philosophers, writers and leaders about  Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him throughout history The first witness: Annie Besant, The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, Madras 1932, p.4 “It is impossible for anyone who studies the life....


Good behaviour in Islam - (English)

To show good behavior is a sign of intellectual maturity and psychological serenity which Islam deems essential and as significant as is worship itself. It, therefore, instructs its followers to adopt, when dealing with others, an approach of righteousness enough to spare them harm. Islam considers a smiling face towards....


Prophet Jesus - (English)

Prophet Jesus Muslims believe in Jesus as a very respectful Messenger. To them, he is referred to as one of the Messengers of the Strong Will who was supported by many great miracles such as bringing the dead back to life and healing the blind and the leper. The life....


Manifestations of mercy in Islam - (English)

Manifestations of mercy in Islam Since the advent of Islam, it has overwhelmingly promoted the concept and the quality of mercy. Allah describes the Quran as pure mercy "O mankind, there has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the hearts, a guide, and....


Purpose of life - (English)

What is the purpose of your life


The Purpose of Life - (English)

The Purpose of Life : this vedio talks to those who don’t know the purpose of their lives in this world. Even if they want to know, they go astray due to the Devil’s tricks and blind faith. So it gives them a right and rational method through which everyone....


The Purity in Islam - (English)

The Purity in Islam