
Believing Precious Stones Have Certain Powers - (English)

A question, translated into English, answered by the Permanent Committee regarding, "Some lovers of rings and gems such as onyx, Iranian turquoise, etc. believe and propagate that such gems have special characteristics and benefits. They support their view by the Hadith and sayings ... O Honorable Sheikh, is there any....


Explanation of Hadith: "He Who Has in His Heart the Weight of a Mustard Seed of Pride Shall Not Enter Paradise." - (English)

Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about the Prophet's statement: “The one who possesses an iota of arrogance in his (spiritual) heart (intention, consciousness) shall not enter Paradise.” Is this hadith specific only to the believers or only to the unbelievers? If we were to say....


What to Do at Times of Fitnah and Division - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "Are these the times which are referred to in the hadeeth of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), according to which when one of....