
Why Islam: The Beauty and Benefits of Islam - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English discusses some points about why we have to choose Islam. It handles some points such as the close relationship with the creator, the pure and clear concept of God, the forgiveness of sins, accountability and justice, the universal Islamic message, and a practical and balanced....


What Is Islam: A Holistic Vision - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English provides a holistic vision of Islam through handling some issues like the religious obligations in Islam, Islam as a way of life, Islam as a solution to today’s problems, the Islamic concept of prophethood, and the Islamic perspective of life after death.


Jesus: An Islamic View - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English clarifies the nature of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in Islam. He is just a human who does not have any divine nature as Christians believe.


What Is the Purpose of Life? - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English mentions some purposes of being in this life and some reasons for believing in Allah as the creator of this universe.


The Quran: The Final Revelation to Mankind - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English clarifies the Noble Quran through some points like: (1) Being a word of Allah, (2) A guidance for mankind, (3) Final revelation, and (4) How it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), (5) How to confirm it....


The Concept of God in Islam - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English talks about the concept of God in Islam through some points such as: (1) Allah alone is worthy of worship, (2) Allah is directly worshipped, (3) All prophets called people to worship Allah, and (4) Purpose of life is to worship Allah. It also answers....


Prophethood in Islam - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English talks about the principle of prophethood and shows that the message to all prophets was the same regarding that Allah is one and that he deserves to be worshipped alone. It shows also that all prophets were given miracles to prove their prophethood.


Islam: Q & A - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English gives answers to some frequently asked questions such as the worst sin in Islam, the Islamic view on women, the concept of jihad, the Islamic view on terrorism, the purpose of life, the prestige of the Prophet Jesus and other prophets in Islam, and life....


Islam Is Not a Religion of Extremism - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English shows the Islamic view on terrorism and how some Quranic verses are misunderstood by lots of people. It also shows when war is permissible in Islam.


Death and the Hereafter in Islam - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English talks about death and hereafter in Islam, mentions some Quranic verses about Paradise and Hell, and shows the purpose of this life and the reality of death. It also confirms the principle of reckoning on the day of judgment.


A Brief Introduction about Islam - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English gives an introduction to Islam and gives a glimpse into the five pillars of Islam, the concept of worship, and the six pillars of Islamic belief in a simple and easy way.


Be Aware and Be Careful on Friday - (English)

This poster shows to us the virtues of Friday and the acts of worship we should be keen to do on that day.