
Prophet Muhammad in the Bible - (English)

A brief presentation in English mentions some of the Biblical verses that indicate to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as in a verse in Deuteronomy which talks about the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and another prophet which is Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings....


The Message of Jesus Christ - (English)

A brief presentation in English shows the real message that Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, based on the Bible and the Quran.


Proof: Quran is from Almighty God (Allah) - (English)

A presentation in English shows that the Noble Quran is Allah's miraculous revelation sent to all mankind. It clarifies some scientific discoveries mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by modern scholars whether Muslims or non-Muslims.


Common Teachings between Islam and Christianity - (English)

Islam is the universal religion, in this comparative study between Islam and Christianity, the reader will notice the tolerant approach of Islam toward other revealed religions.


Who Is Muhammad? - (English)

Few pages in English show the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and confirms that the messages of all prophets called for monotheism, i.e. worshiping Allah only.