
Umdatul Ahkam: (12) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadiths no. 18 and 19 from the "Book of Purity" in which he talks about some manners of relieving oneself and mentions some benefits and etiquette of using siwak (a wooden tooth stick).


Umdatul Ahkam: (11) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadiths no. 15, 16, and 17 from the "Book of Purity" in which he talks about some manners of relieving oneself such as avoiding using the right hand, being careful of one's clothes, and caring about cleaning oneself.


Umdatul Ahkam: (10) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadiths no. 13 and 14 from the "Book of Purity" in which he talks about some rules and manners of using toilets.


Umdatul Ahkam: (9) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadiths no. 10, 11, and 12 from the "Book of Purity" in which he mentions some virtues of ablutions.


Umdatul Ahkam: (8) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadith no. 9 from the "Book of Purity" in which he shows how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed ablutions.


Umdatul Ahkam: (7) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadith no. 8 from the "Book of Purity" in which he shows how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed ablutions.


Umdatul Ahkam: (6) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadiths no. 6 and 7 from the "Book of Purity" in which he talks about the types of impurities, cleaning a plate after a dog licks it, the saliva of a dog, and washing plates eight times.


Umdatul Ahkam: (5) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadith no. 5 from the "Book of Purity" in which he talks about some kinds of water and cleaning one's private parts.


Umdatul Ahkam: (4) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the hadith no. 4 from the "Book of Purity" in which he talks about some rules of ablutions such as inhaling, rinsing, and blowing the noise.


Umdatul Ahkam: (3) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the second and third hadiths from the "Book of Purity" in which he talks about purity, impurity, ablutions, and its pillars. He explains in detail the meaning of purity based on proofs from the Quran and Prophetic tradition.


Umdatul Ahkam: (2) Purity - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim explains the first hadith of "Book of Purity" which is the report of Omar ibn Al-Khattab that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "The deeds are considered by the intention."


Umdatul Ahkam: (1) Introduction - (English)

A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Asem Al-Hakim in which he explains the Book "Umdat Al-Ahkam," written by Imam Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdesy. It contains some of the most authentic Prophetic hadiths narrated in Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. They are listed based on their topics of Islamic law....