
Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 55 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim relates the story of the great companion Salman, the Persian (may Allah be pleased with him). Sh. Asem shows how he was searching for the truth for years and then embraced and converted to Islam. Afterward, he shows the events of the Battle of....


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 54 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim speaks about some events that occurred during the fourth year such as the Battle of Badr ll.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 53 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim speaks about some events that occurred during the fourth year such as the Battle of Bani Al-Nadir.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 52 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim speaks about some events that occurred during the fourth year such as the incidents of Ar-Rajee' and Ma'ouna Well.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 51 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim resumes his speech about some events that occurred during the third year after the Battle of Uhud such as the detachment of Abu Salamah to Bani Asad and Abdullah ibn Uneis to Hudhail.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 50 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim mentions some events that occurred after the Battle of Uhud such as the marriage of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to Hafsa bint Umar and Zainab bint Khuzaymah.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 49 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim speaks about the latest events of the Battle of Uhud such as burying his companions who were killed in this battle.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 48 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim shows the results of the Battle of Uhud.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 47 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim resumes his speech about the Battle of Uhud.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 46 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim resumes his speech about the Battle of Uhud.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 45 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim resumes his speech about the Battle of Uhud.


Mercy to the Worlds - Episode 44 - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Asem Al-Hakim speaks about the events of the Battle of Uhud.