
What Happens on The Day of Judgement ? - (English)

A brief explanation of the Islamic belief about the day of judgment by Omar Suleiman.


What Does Islam Say about Terrorism? - (English)

An article in English shows the stance of Islam towards terrorism. It contains some Islamic texts showing Muslims' morals in the war, the mercy of Islam to animals, and the prohibition of murder.


Omar bin Abdul Aziz - (English)

A brief introduction to the man known as the fifth rightly guided Caliph


A Glimpse of Muslim Spain - (English)

With the arrival of the Muslims in Spain, the once arid and illiterate land became the capital of European scholarship and agriculture, where people of all faiths were granted security under Muslim rule.


Islam in China - (English)

1-An account of how and when Islam first entered China. 2-The spread of Islam in China upon its arrival, and a glimpse of the various mosques built in that era.


Spread of Islam in West Africa - (English)

:Article is composed of three parts, which 1-How Islam spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa, and the great civilizations it established there, taking its inhabitants out of paganism to the worship of One God. Part 1: Islam reaches West Africa, and a history of the Islamic Empire of Ghana.....


Literacy in Islam - (English)

1-Even war and occupation cannot erase Baghdad’s legacy of literacy. 2-The first revealed word of the Quran began a legacy of literacy and education for all. 3- Education in early Islamic history.


The Quran on Mountains - (English)

Both the Quran and science agree to the structural makeup of mountains and the role they play in maintaining the stability of the Earth.


Sikhism - (English)

1- A religion born out of dissatisfaction. 2-The nature of the religion and the concept of God.


Hinduism - (English)

:Article consists of four parts containing 1- A brief overview of Hinduism in a series of articles discussing it from a comparative religions perspective. 2-Two big differences between Hinduism and Islam. 3-A comparison of the rights of women in Hinduism & Islam 4-Widows, sati and the caste system.


Ten Commandments in the Quran - (English)

This article is made ​​up of three parts and it consists of 1-A review of what are the Ten Commandments and their place in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths. 2- First five commandments are part of God’s rulebook guiding us through today’s world. 3- Moral guidance for today’s world dealing....


Out of Egypt: The Story of Passover in the Quran - (English)

In the Quran, one of the most recounted stories is the story of the bondage of the Children of Israel and their deliverance from Egypt Pharaoh.