
The Authority of the Talmud in Judaism - (English)

Both classical and modern-day Judaism gives precedence to the Talmud more than the Torah and other books of the Old Testament. The article establishes the central role and authority of Talmud from standard Jewish and secular sources.


Is the Quran Anti-Semitic? - (English)

1- A look into the claim that the Quran, Islam and thus Muslims are anti-Semitic. Part 1: The designation of the Semitic race and the favorable position of the Jews with God. 2-A look into the claim that the Quran, Islam and thus Muslims are anti-Semitic. Part 2: Who really....


The New Testament - (English)

A look at what Judeo-Christian scholars say about the authenticity and preservation of the New Testament.


The Old Testament - (English)

A look at what Judeo-Christian scholars say about the authenticity and preservation of the Old Testament.


The Ideal Personality of a Muslim - (English)

The ideal Muslim character is distinct and balanced and it embodies the teachings of the Qur’an and the Hadith. It consists of many different relationships; with his Lord, his own self, his family and the people around him.


Consideration for Neighbours - (English)

Prophetic advices on the importance of healthy neighbourly relations


Respect - (English)

1- Having Respect for God means obeying Him> 2-How to regain lost Respect. 3-Lying, Spying, and Using Bad Words.


Trustworthiness - (English)

The importance of trustworthiness and the severe warning against treachery in the Islam.


Humility - (English)

The role of humility in Islam.


Are we “born to be free”? - (English)

1- A look into how much freedom we really do and don’t have over ourselves and lives. 2-An Islamic view of Destiny, and how Muslims practically implement this concept into their lives.


Justice in Islam - (English)

Justice as a basic objective of Islam and a moral virtue, and the standard of justice envisaged by the Quran.


The Malice of Lying - (English)

The phenomenon of lying which has regretfully become a “fabric of social life.”