
Universal message - (English)

Islam is a universal religion in that its Prophet was sent to all peoples of the world, regardless of their race, colour, culture, traditions and geographical location, as the Qur’an states, “We have only sent you (O Muhammad) as a mercy to all the worlds.” (Soorat Al-Anbiyaa’, 21:107)


Why I Ask People to Become Muslims: A Few of the Reasons - (English)

A book in English whose author said at its end, "The stories I have related are some of the true experiences of my life before and after I became a Muslim. These experiences are only a few of the more than three hundred people I have seen come to Islam."


Prophet of Mercy - (English)

Prophet Muhammad is mercy from Allah to all mankind. He was sent to teach humanity the concept of mercy even to birds and animals which he forbade the people from harming without a proper reason F. Allah had sent Muhammad to perfect the morals and to call people to good....


What Is Islam: A Holistic Vision - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English provides a holistic vision of Islam through handling some issues like the religious obligations in Islam, Islam as a way of life, Islam as a solution to today’s problems, the Islamic concept of prophethood, and the Islamic perspective of life after death.


The Return of Jesus - (English)

:This article consists of five parts, which 1-Similarities and differences about the second coming of Jesus between Christians and Muslims. The Messiah at the end of times according to Judaism. 2- The prophecies and portents in Islam of the descent of Jesus in the Quran and the prophetic narrations. 3-The....


The Miracles of Jesus - (English)

A look at some of the miracles of Jesus mentioned in the Quran, with a brief comparison with Christian sources.


The Inclusiveness of Islam - (English)

The necessity of the finality of Prophethood, and the characteristics which must be found in the claim.


Jesus: An Islamic View - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English clarifies the nature of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in Islam. He is just a human who does not have any divine nature as Christians believe.


Is Jesus God? - (English)

1-The first in a four part series discussing the biblical evidence that Jesus is not God. 2-The second in a four part series discussing the biblical evidence that Jesus is not God. 3-The third in a four part series discussing the biblical evidence that Jesus is not God. 4-The finale....


Is There a True Religion? - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Bilal Philips provides a brief explanation of Islam, the only religion accepted by Allah and confirms the universal message of Islam and the wisdom of creating humanity and jinn. In addition, he also takes a look at other religions to refute their principles....


Prayer in Islam - (English)

A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Saleh As-Saleh in which he explains the status of prayer in Islam and its importance in this world and the hereafter.


The Basis of Islam - (English)

A detailed explanation of the first part of the testimony of faith “None is rightfully worshipped except God (La ilaha ‘illAllah).”