1- The Names of Hell, its presence and eternalness, and its guardians. 2-The location, size, levels, gates and fuel of Hell, as well as the clothing of its inhabitants. 3- The heat of Hell, and the food and drink prepared for its inhabitants. 4- graphic suffering, horror, and punishments of....
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- авар мацӀ - أوارية
- isiXhosa - خوسي
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- ГӀалгӀай - ГӀалгӀай - إنغوشي
- Mõõré - Mõõré - موري
- অসমীয়া - Assamese - آسامي
- Maguindanao - Maguindanaon - فلبيني مقندناو
- Dagbani - دغباني
- Yao - ياؤو
- Ikirundi - كيروندي
- Bisaya - بيسايا
- Ruáingga - روهينجي
- فارسی دری - دري
- Sesotho - سوتي
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - بنجابي
- créole - كريولي
- ພາສາລາວ - لاو
- hrvatski - كرواتي
- Qhichwa simi - كيشوا
- aymar aru - أيمري
- ଓଡ଼ିଆ - أوديا
- Igbo - إيجبو
- Fɔ̀ngbè - فون
- Mɛnde - مندي
One Third of the Quran - (English)
- Bilal Philips
- 20/10/2022
An interpretation of chapter 112 which revolve around the concept of God in Islam.
The Style of the Quran - (English)
The article addresses the major themes of the Quran, the topics it discusses, its style of presentation, and some points of comparison with their own scriptures for Christian and Jewish readers.
Conversations in Paradise and Hell - (English)
1- What our lifelong companions will say to us as we enter our eternal abode. 2-More conversations that will take place between and amongst the people of Paradise and the dwellers of the Hellfire 3-Conversations with family members, internal dialogues, and how God reacts to the people of the Hereafter.
The Beauty and Eloquence of the Quran - (English)
At a time when eloquence was perfectly competitive, the Quran of miraculous explanation was revealed
An Introduction to the Quran - (English)
1- The Quran and the basic elements of its organization, the difference between the Quran and its translation, and a brief review of English translations, introducing the subject of Quranic exegesis. 2-The inimitable beauty of the Quran and the Muslim adoration for it, the language of the Quran and its....
The Story of the Quran - (English)
- ’Aa’ishah Stasi
- 20/10/2022
1- What is the Quran? 2-How Quran was revealed, memorized and written down. 3- How the words of God came to be compiled into a book. 4-The origin of the Quran we hold in our hands today.
- Mash’al ibn Abdullah
- 20/10/2022
1- A look at what some of the leading Christian Scholars have said about the authenticity of the Bible 2- Some examples of the interpolations in the Bible, as mentioned by Christian scholars. 3-Evidence of contradictions found by Christian Scholars from the narrations of the alleged authors of the New....
What is Eid ul Adha? - (English)
Following the example of Prophet Abraham and having complete trust in God.
By Dr. Zohor Shanan Idrisi Published on 10 Oct 2011 - Last modified on 23 Oct 2011 Viewed: 3831 (daily average: 7) - Rating: 5 out of 5 - Rated by: 3 Printed: 149 - Emailed: 2 - Commented on: 0
How Muslim inventors changed the world - (English)
Some of the various inventions of Muslims which either set the foundation or are still in use today
Introduction to Muslim Science - (English)
An overview of Muslims’ contribution to the advancement of science in the Dark Ages.