
My Mercy Prevails Over My Wrath - (English)

How Mercy is manifest in God, and examples of the mercy of the Prophet and his Companions .


Did God Become Man? - (English)

1-The Belief in One God and service to Him is one which is inherent in all humans. 2-A look at the concept of God and pantheism in polytheistic faiths, specifically Hinduism. 3-Examples of the religions which believe that God became one man, that all humans are a part of God,....


The Divine Mercy of God - (English)

A practical explanation of two of the most oft-repeated names of Allah: ar-Rahman and ar-Raheem, and the nature of the All-Encompassing Mercy of God.


Can We See God? - (English)

The question of whether God may be seen in this life by Prophets, saints, and the average laymen, and whether He may be seen in the Hereafter.


Dreams - (English)

What Islam says about dreams and dreaming. and The obscurity of dream interpretation in the religion of Islam


Funeral Rites in Islam - (English)

1- Preparing for death. 2- What should be done immediately after death and by whom? 3- What happens after the burial and how Islamic practices compare with other religions.


Are we Alone? - (English)

What are Jinn? Who is Shaytaan? Jinn exist amongst us but apart from us


?Who are the Muslims - (English)

Over a billion people from all races, nationalities and cultures – this part gives an introduction to who Muslims are and their contribution to the world.


What They Said about the Quran - (English)

The statements of western scholars who have studied Islam about the Quran.


What They Said about Muhammad - (English)

The statements of western scholars who have studied Islam about the Prophet.


A Brief Look At Islam’s Contribution to Mathematics - (English)

By Dr. Zohor Shanan Idrisi Published on 10 Oct 2011 - Last modified on 23 Oct 2011 Viewed: 3831 (daily average: 7) - Rating: 5 out of 5 - Rated by: 3 Printed: 149 - Emailed: 2 - Commented on: 0


How Muslim inventors changed the world - (English)

Some of the various inventions of Muslims which either set the foundation or are still in use today