
Introduction to Muslim Science - (English)

An overview of Muslims’ contribution to the advancement of science in the Dark Ages.


Homosexuality - (English)

The Islamic understanding of homosexuality. By Aisha Stacey


Islamic Inheritance and Wills - (English)

A brief and basic outline of the importance of wills. By Aisha Stacey


The Value of Time - (English)

Description: The importance of time in Islam. By Aisha Stacey (© 2011 IslamReligion.com)


Societal Cohesion in Islam - (English)

Laying the basis for cohesion within society. By Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo


The United Colors of Islam - (English)

The racial equality espoused by Islam and practical examples from history.


How Islam Deals With Sadness and Worry - (English)

Verily, in the remembrance of God do hearts find rest. (Quran 13:28) By Aisha Stacey (© 2010 IslamReligion.com) Published on 29 Mar 2010 - Last modified on 07 Apr 2013 Viewed: 25661 (daily average: 22) - Rating: 5 out of 5 - Rated by: 25 Printed: 679 - Emailed: 25....


Keys to Happiness - (English)

Some of the means for achieving happiness. By Ayed Al-Qarni Published on 23 Mar 2009 - Last modified on 05 Aug 2012 Viewed: 14410 (daily average: 10) - Rating: 4.8 out of 5 - Rated by: 50 Printed: 1071 - Emailed: 103 - Commented on


How to Behave When Struck by Illness - (English)

Practical steps to take when over come by illness or injury. By Aisha Stacey (© 2009 IslamReligion.com) Published on 23 Feb 2009 - Last modified on 04 Oct 2009 Viewed: 12690 (daily average: 8) - Rating: 4.5 out of 5 - Rated by: 17 Printed: 675 - Emailed: 10 -....


The Seven Earths - (English)

The seven layers of the earth which scientists have recently discovered was eluded to by Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago.


The Scientific World is turning to God - (English)

Examples of scientists who, after years of preaching atheism, have finally admitted to the theory of Intelligent Design.


The Quran on Seas and Rivers - (English)

Barriers between various types of water found in nature: a fact mentioned in the Quran expounded by science.