
The Bible Denies the Divinity of Jesus - (English)

1- How the Bible’s writers believe that Jesus was not God. 2- Proofs from the Acts of the Apostles that Jesus was not God. 3-The Bible clearly shows that Jesus was not all-powerful and all-knowing as the true God should be. 4-What is the first and greatest of all the....


Mary, the Mother of Jesus - (English)

Christians know her as Mary, the mother of Jesus. Muslims also refer to her as the mother of Jesus, or in Arabic, Umm Eisa. In Islam Mary is often called Maryam bint Imran; Mary, the daughter of Imran. This article gives some background about her adoption by Zachariah so she....


Divinity of Jesus? An Inquiry - (English)

A look into the verses of the Bible which support or oppose the divinity of Jesus Christ.


The Descriptive Titles of Jesus in the Quran - (English)

1- A discussion of the name, titles, and description of Jesus in the Quran. Part 1: A look at the concept of the Messiah in the Judeo-Christian thought as well as Islam, and the title “Miracle” which God gives to Jesus in the Quran. 2- A look at the some....


Jesus in Islam - (English)

1- The first of a three-part article discussing the Islamic concept of Jesus: Part 1: His birth and miracles. 2- The second of a three part article discussing the Islamic concept of Jesus: Part 2: The question of his divinity and mission. 3-The final part of a three-part article discussing....


Friday – The Best Day of the Week - (English)

The significance of Friday in the life of a believer.


The Importance of Prayer - (English)

Prayer is a unique training and developmental program which, if well and devotedly performed, can achieve for a Muslim many valuable spiritual, physical, and ethical gains.


Grace, Faith and Works - (English)

:A four-part article talking about 1-The relationship between inner faith and good works in Islam. Part One: The Islamic concept of “faith” and its relation to inner belief and good works. 2-The relationship between inner faith and good works in Islam. Part Two: The role of speech and works in....


Prophets of the Quran - (English)

1-Belief in the prophets of God is a central part of Muslim faith. Part 1 will introduce all the prophets before Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, mentioned in the Muslim scripture from Adam to Abraham and his two sons. 2-Belief in the prophets....


Sufism - (English)

1- A brief look at how Sufism differs and contradicts the teachings of Islam. This first part defines Sufism, mentions its origins and how it differs from Islam in the concept of belief in God, belief in the Prophet Muhammad (may the blessing and mercy of God be upon him)....


Shiites, Shiism, and Islam - (English)

1- A glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ from Islam, with a few demonstrative examples in matters of creed. Part One: Belief in God. 2-A glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ from Islam, with a few demonstrative examples in matters of creed. Part Two: The Testimony or Declaration....


A Brief History of Islam - (English)

:Article consists of five parts talk about 1-The early life of the Prophet before his prophet-hood and a glimpse of his mission in Mecca. 2-The Hijrah, or migration, of the Muslims to Medina, and highlights of the challenges from the early days of the Prophet’s residence there. 3-The latter part....