
Meaning of Allah’s Most Beautiful Names - (English)

A series of lectures in English delivered by Dr. Saleh As-Saleh in which he explains the meanings of the Most Beautiful Names of Allah. He also presents a set of rules that organizes our understanding of these names, including that these names are all good without any deficiency.


Realities of Sufism - (English)

A lecture in English in which the lecturer shows the reality of Sufism, its origin, and its religious rituals, in addition to some related points.


Rejectionist Shia Series - (English)

Lectures in English in which Sh. Saleh As-Saleh explains the Shia faith on the Quran, Sunnah, monotheism, etc.


Explaining the Meaning of An-Nur (the Light), One of Allah’s Names - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains the meaning of Allah’s name: An-Nur (the Light). There is no doubt that lots of Muslims did not read about its meaning due to its being obvious but a Muslim should take much care of knowing any aspect of Islam....


The Message of the Messengers - (English)

A book in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh shows in his introduction that Allah could not create this universe without a purpose. He is All-Wise, All- Knowledgeable, All-Merciful, and All-Just. All of these attributes entail providing ways of guidance that would lead to the proper knowledge about Him, and....


The Contemporary Fitan (Afflictions, Trials, Test, Tribulations) - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Saleh As-salah discusses the issue of the contemporary trials. He shows the meaning of trial, types , causes, and some of its forms. Afterwards, he explains that a Muslim can protect himself from it through seeking refuge with Allah, holding the book of....


Categories of People Regarding Knowledge - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh shows the categories of people in benefitting the Islamic knowledge as Imam Ibn Al-Qayyem explained the Prophetic hadith, “The guidance and knowledge with which God has commissioned me are like abundant rain which fell on some ground. Part of it was....


Explanation of Book of Monotheism from Sahih Al-Bukhari - (English)

A series of lectures in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains the Book of At-Tawheed from Sahih Al-Bukhari based on Sh. Ibn Uthaimin’s explanation.


Explanation of Riyad As-Saleheen - (English)

An audio series in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains some hadeeths from book Riyad As-Saleheen (Gardens of the Righteous). The book was authored by Imam An-Nawawi and is considered one of the most important books and widespread all over the world. It has this prestige due to: (1)....


Explanation of Fasting's Chapter from Bulugh Al-Maram - (English)

A series of lectures in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains the Chapter of Fasting from the book Bulugh Al-Maram and handles the following points: Its conditions, intention of obligatory and voluntary fasting, blessing of having sahour, unintentional eating or drinking, fasting while traveling, and voluntary fasts as on....


Fasting and Its Rules - (English)

A series of lectures in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains and handles some points of fasting as follows: Its conditions, virtues, invalidators, goals, Muslim’s attributes while fasting, and fasting during traveling and illness. He also mentions the Battle of Badr during the lecture, for it happened in Ramadan month.


Explanation of Chapter of Prayer from Umdat Al-Ahkaam - (English)

A series of lectures in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains some hadiths from "Umdat Al-Ahkam." such as those talk about the timings of prayer, times at which it is forbidden to pray, making-up prayers, leadership in prayer, calling and direction to prayer, and congregational and voluntary prayers.