An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Mr. Adam Rahman, the author of " Jesus and the Last Messenger" shows that lots of people around the world do not know that Muslims believe in the Prophet Jesus as they believe in the Prophet....
Source : Website of the Deenshow: www.thedeenshow.comNumber of Items: 85
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- Osama Emara
- 19/10/2022
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Mr. Imran talks about the miraculous Quran which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fourteen centuries ago. He provides some of its scientific facts to atheists to make....
What Is the Difference between Shia and Sunni? - (English)
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Sh. Kareem Abu Zaid gives a glimpse of how Shiites and Shiism differ over Islam, with some demonstrative examples in the Islamic creed.
The Life of Prophet Muhammad - (English)
- Osama Emara
- 19/10/2022
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Sh. Ibrahim Zidan tells us about the beautiful attributes that the Prophet (peace be upon him) has, through some situations.
- Laurence B. Brown MD
- 19/10/2022
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Dr. Laurence Brown confirms that the Quran is the verbatim speech of the Creator of mankind and there is no book like this book. He added that the Quran is a living miracle and the only....
How to Have a Blissful Marriage in Islam? - (English)
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Dr. Muhammad Rida Bashir, founder of, discusses how to have a blissful marriage in Islam through the following points: Conflict resolution, avoiding combative communication, alarming statistics of divorce, real issues such as "My wife talks....
Did You Know Prophet Muhammad Is Prophesied and Mentioned by Name in the Christian Bible? - (English)
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Mr. Alaa Elsayed, Director of Community Affairs for ISNA, shows that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is prophesied and mentioned by name in the Bible.
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which four persons relate their stories of embracing Islam and finding peace in it. They are (1) Mr. Luqman, a former atheist from China, (2) Mr. Musa, a former Catholic from Filipino, (3) John Smithers, a former Catholic from....
Advice for New Muslims in Islam - (English)
- Walid Basiony
- 19/10/2022
An interesting episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Sh. Waleed Basyouny gives advice to the new Muslims.
- Walid Basiony
- 19/10/2022
An interesting episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Sh. Waleed Basyouny clarifies the right way to happiness in this world and the world to come. In addition, he indicates that some people may seek happiness from some wrong ways.
Tips for Parents on Raising Children - (English)
- Hatem Elhagaly
- 21/10/2022
An episode of the program "The Deen Show" in which Dr. Hatem Elhagaly gives some advice about how to raise our kids.
Science in Islam - (English)
A pamphlet in English provides a mere glimpse of the many scientific facts mentioned in the Quran. These scientific facts were revealed over 1400 years ago, when technological equipment and knowledge was inadequate to make such discoveries. This not only proves these miracles but also confirms that the entire Quran....