
How to Perform Ablution - (English)

This is a simple poster shows how to perform ablution through illustrating images.


Description of the Prophet’s Prayer in Brief - (English)

A pamphlet in English clarifies in brief how the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) prayed. It also contains some mistakes made during praying and illustrates how to perform the funeral prayer.


Explanation of Book of Monotheism [43] What is said about one who is not satisfied by oath taken by Allah - (English)

Explanation of Book of Monotheism [43] What is said about one who is not satisfied by oath taken by Allah: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which....


Explanation of Book of Monotheism [30] Seeking rain trough lunar phases stars - (English)

Explanation of Book of Monotheism [30] Seeking rain trough lunar phases stars: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the belief....


Explanation of Book of Monotheism [12] Vowing to others than Allah is shirk - (English)

Explanation of Book of Monotheism [12] Vowing to others than Allah is shirk: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic creed which is the core of Islam, for the....


Explanation of Book of Monotheism [09] About rukya and talismans and About one who seeks barakah from a tree, a stone etc - (English)

Explanation of Book of Monotheism [09] About rukya and talismans and About one who seeks barakah from a tree, a stone etc.: In these videos, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan explains the book of Monotheism which was authored by Sh. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab. This book gives a clear explanation of the Islamic....


Islam for Kids - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English introduces Islam to kids in a simple way such as its manners and the beautiful names of Allah.


Women in Islam beyond Stereotypes - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English gives a right image of women in Islam beyond any stereotypes that some may adopt. It shows the prestige that Islam gives them by clarifying their religious obligations and marriage concept in Islam. On the contrary, the pamphlet shows how other religions deal with women.


Five Pillars : Cartoon for Primary Schools - (English)

Two short videos in English of the series of cartoon animations created and produced by Discover Islam UK with the aim of assisting primary schools in educating kids about Islam through the use of educational media. This cartoon animation has been played throughout many primary schools in London and was....


The Importance of Prayer - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English handles the issue of prayer through some points like: (1) Its importance, (2) Benefits, (3) Being a pillar of Islam, and (4) Stating the harms stemmed from abandoning it and common excuses that some people mention.


The Hijab - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English clarifies and confirms that the Islamic hijab is obedience, modesty, protection, dignity, respect, and confidence. It also mentions some issues about it in the bible.


The Importance of Prayer - (English)

Prayer is a unique training and developmental program which, if well and devotedly performed, can achieve for a Muslim many valuable spiritual, physical, and ethical gains.