In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the definition and importance of fasting and why we fast this month.
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- авар мацӀ - أوارية
- isiXhosa - خوسي
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- ગુજરાતી - غوجاراتية
- ГӀалгӀай - ГӀалгӀай - إنغوشي
- Mõõré - Mõõré - موري
- অসমীয়া - Assamese - آسامي
- Maguindanao - Maguindanaon - فلبيني مقندناو
- Dagbani - دغباني
- Yao - ياؤو
- Ikirundi - كيروندي
- Bisaya - بيسايا
- Ruáingga - روهينجي
- فارسی دری - دري
- Sesotho - سوتي
- ਪੰਜਾਬੀ - بنجابي
- créole - كريولي
- ພາສາລາວ - لاو
- hrvatski - كرواتي
- Qhichwa simi - كيشوا
- aymar aru - أيمري
- ଓଡ଼ିଆ - أوديا
- Igbo - إيجبو
- Fɔ̀ngbè - فون
- Mɛnde - مندي
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 68 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Virtues of Ramadan (Part 1) - (English)
- Abdullah Hakim Quick
- 20/10/2022
In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the importance of Ramadan, the benefits of fasting, and the overall activities of Ramadan.
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 67 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 66 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 65 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 64 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 63 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 62 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 61 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 60 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....
Biography of the Prophet - Episode 59 - (English)
- Moutasem Al-Hameedi
- 19/10/2022
A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....