
Prohibition on Celebrating the Festivals of the Non-Muslims - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Dawah and Guidance answers the following question, "Is it permissible for Muslims to take part in their festivals, such as Christmas?"


Praying Eid in the Musallaa Is the Sunnah - (English)

There is great and profound wisdom behind this act of Prophetic tradition, praying in an open area of land. Muslims have annually two days where all people from every city meet each together, men, women, or children, and turn to Allah with their hearts in unity, praying behind one Imam,....


Recitation of the Last Tenth of the Quran with Translating Its Meanings into English - (English)

This is a Recitation Explanation of the Last Tenth of the Quran with Translating Its Meanings into English. The recitation is by Sh. Saad Al-Ghamidi.


Recited Quran with Translating Its Meanings into English (Audio and video – Part 14 - Episode 4) - (English)

This video contains Quran recitation with translating its meanings into English. You can listen to the recitation, see the Arabic text and see the English translation at the same time.


Biography of the Prophet - Episode 26 - (English)

A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....


Mistakes Pilgrims Make When Visiting Cemetery of Martyrs of Uhad - (English)

A short video in English mentions some mistakes that pilgrims may make when they visit Cemetery of Martyrs of Uhad.


Is It Possible to Send Someone Else to Do Hajj on Behalf of the Deceased instead of His Son? - (English)

A fatwa translated into English in which Sh. Abdulkarim Al-Khudeir answers the following question, "My father died last year. He intended to go to Hajj this year. My question is: Can I send some other person to do Hajj on his behalf? Does that person need to be a relative?....


Towards a More Peaceful Society (Part 2) - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Abdurrahim Green shows how to maker the Muslim society more peaceful in all life's fields then answers some questions in the end of the lecture..


The Blessing Of Witnessing The Last 10 Of Ramadhaan - (English)

The Blessing Of Witnessing The Last 10 Of Ramadhaan


Recited Quran with Translating Its Meanings into English (Audio and video – Part 14 - Episode 3) - (English)

This video contains Quran recitation with translating its meanings into English. You can listen to the recitation, see the Arabic text and see the English translation at the same time.


Biography of the Prophet - Episode 25 - (English)

A series of lectures in English delivered by Sh. Mutasem Al-Hamidy through Huda TV Channel in which he relates the Prophetic biography and mentions lots of its benefits and lessons. In the beginning, he gives an important introduction about the way to study the Prophetic biography and talks about the....


Mistakes Pilgrims Make in Cemetery of Al-Baqee - (English)

This short video addresses some errors made by pilgrims in Cemetery of Al-Baqee.