
‘AT-TIBYAN’ Easy way to Quranic reading - (English)

This book which is meant to teach the reader the Arabic Alphabet with Quranic Orientation is based on some of the latest Advanced teaching principles and has considerably cut down the learning period.


Rules Governing The Criticism Of Hadith - (English)

An summarised text detailing the rules governing the Criticism of Hadeeth. From its introduction -’A hadith (pl. ahadith) is composed of two parts: the matn (text) and the isnad (chain of reporters). A text may seem to be logical and reasonable but it needs an authentic isnad with reliable reporters....


Depression and Anxiety - (English)

This lecture is very important in general where you have full guidance on Depression and Anxiety and how people should live on earth.


Dr. Laurence Brown: My conversion to Islam - (English)

In this video, Briefings about Dr. Brown and How he came to Islam? his searching through different religions and debunking of certain biases against Islam.


The Role of Colonization on the Political System of the Muslim World - (English)

When one looks into current affairs, one cannot help but to note that the Muslim world is distraught with unrest and violence. This article will discuss how colonization and Western interference has played the primary role in forming this state of affairs.


Evolution of Fiqh - (English)

The author says in the introduction of the second edition, “The overall purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with the historical factors behind the formulation of Islamic law (Fiqh), in order that he or she may better understand how and why the various schools of Islamic law....


Woman in Saudi Arabia (Cross-Cultural Views) - (English)

Historically women’s education in the territories now known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has passed through several stages. In the pre-Islamic era, Arab society had not been concerned with any kind of systematic education for either males or females. At that time the transfer of experiences and skills from....


Muslim Mettle - (English)

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New Muslim Academy - www.newmuslimacademy.org - (English)

A non-profit organization helps the new Muslim understand the basic concepts of Islam, and how to put them into practice through short and well-structured courses taught under renowned Islamic scholars from all over the world like Sh. Yassir Fazaga, Dr. Jamal Zarabozo, Dr. Bilal Philips, Sh. Yusuf Estes..., etc. The....


speed of light in the Holy Quran - (English)



James Accepts Islam - (English)

A short episode in English of the famous program "The Deen Show" shows how Mr. James embraces Islam. Afterwards the host Mr. Eddie gives a piece of advice such as that Allah forgives all of the previous sins of a person as soon as s/he embraces Islam.


The Islamic Openings - (English)

A translated book into English authored by the Egyptian historian Abdulaziz Ash-Shennawi who tried to provide the reader with a simple explanation for some Islamic openings. It covers the historical events of the Islamic openings through which the word of Islam reached out the whole world. It represents the real....