
Main talks from the JIMAS 7th International Dawah Conference - (English)

Contents : 1- Welcome speech - by Abu Muntasir. 2- Keynote speech [ Striking the Balance into the Millennium ] - by Bilal Philips. 3- The Importance of Knowledge - by Shaikh Sohaib Hasan. 4- The Rights of Allah and Our Duty Towards Him - by Shaikh Wajdi al-Ghazzawi. 5-....


One Direction, One people, One God - (English)

Why do Muslims face the direction of Mecca when they pray?


The Prophet Dawah Methodology - (English)

A voice reading for an article of Dr. Gamal Badawy about the Methpdology of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in Dawah, Dr. Badawi will tackle some specific elements and aspects of the Prophet’s methodology in discharging this sublime duty.


European Scientist Converts to Islam - (English)

A short episode in which a European scientist relates his story about embracing Islam after knowing about some scientific facts in the Quran which were only discovered in the twentieth century. This scientist did not believe in God or even any religion but later he realized that Islam is the....