An episode in English of the Deen Show Program in which an Irish Muslim (ex-Christian) tells us what he loves about Islam and how his connection to Jesus is even better now.
Source : Website of the Deenshow: www.thedeenshow.comNumber of Items: 85
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- Qhichwa simi - كيشوا
- aymar aru - أيمري
- ଓଡ଼ିଆ - أوديا
- Igbo - إيجبو
- Fɔ̀ngbè - فون
- Mɛnde - مندي
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An exciting episode from the program "the Deen Show" in which Mr. Abdullah Rolle (ex-singer) relates his story of embracing and converting to Islam. He worked with many famous artists then left the music business after a long time of feeling that he was missing something deeper in life. He....
Great Interview with ex-Christian Minister - (English)
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