
Virtues of Ramadan (Part 6) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the following aspects of Ramadan: (1) Its importance and rules, (2) Prophetic teachings about Ramadan, and (4) Things that invalidate fasting.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 5) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the reward of fasting and how one's sins are forgiven, for Ramadan is the time of great blessing, happiness, and Joy in which the fasting person feels happiness and joy and stays away from all bad actions.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 4) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the overall activities of Muslims during Ramadan, the time of forgiveness in which the doors of Paradise are open, the doors of Hellfire are close, and the devils are locked up.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 3) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick confirms that Ramadan month is a time of great mercy, guidance, and forgiveness that has gems of wisdom. He also shows why we fast and pray.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 2) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the definition and importance of fasting and why we fast this month.


Virtues of Ramadan (Part 1) - (English)

In this episode, Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick explained the importance of Ramadan, the benefits of fasting, and the overall activities of Ramadan.


Pilgrimage Step by Step - (English)

Interesting episodes in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah presents how to perform pilgrimage step by step to those who want to perform this great rite. They are simple episodes that contain sound knowledge presented to be a beacon for the pilgrims who wants to avoid mistakes during this marvelous....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 11) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah gives general useful guidelines for the pilgrims and answers to some questions e.g. making ihraam in Jeddah airport despite of crossing the meeqaat without making ihraam.


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 10) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah discusses the issue of staying the three days of at-tashreeq at Mina and making tawaaf al-wadaa’ (farewell tawaaf). Finally, he mentions the required etiquette while visiting the Mosque of the Prophet and the Companions’ graves as well as the common....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 9) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah shows the rites of pilgrimage on the 10th of Dhulhijjah, i.e. throwing the stones of the Major Aqabah Pillar (which allows pilgrims to do the prohibited acts due to ihraam with the exception of having intercourse), slaughtering, shaving or trimming....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 8) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah resumes his explanation as to the rites of pilgrimage in Arafah Day and mentions some common mistakes made by pilgrims on that day. Then he shows the meaning of staying at Al-Muzdalifah and throwing the stones of the Major ‘Aqabah....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 7) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah shows the meaning of the tarwiyah day and mentions the rites performed on the 8th of Dhulhijjah. Also, he mentions the rites of pilgrimage performed on the 9th of Dhulhijjah, i.e. Arafah Day and gives a full explanation about it.....