
Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 6) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah begins to explain how to perform sa’i between As-Safa and Al-Marwah and mentions the original story of that. Then he mentions how to count the seven trips of sa’i and confirms that there are no certain supplications said during it.....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 5) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah answers the questions concerning tawaaf, e.g. forgetting how many rounds performed, breaking ablutions during tawaaf, and being tired during tawaaf. Afterwards, he talks about the virtue of Zamzam Well and illustrates the difference between kinds of tawaaf.


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 4) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah mentions the prerequisites of tawaaf and the ruling on menstruation during performing pilgrimage. Then, he shows how to make tawaaf around the Ka’bah, the place of beginning and ending of a round (shawt) and the meaning of idtibaa’ and ramal.....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 3) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah illustrates the meaning of talbiyah and gives a full explanation as to the ruling of having intercourse or its introductions during ihraam. He also mentions the ruling on crossing miqaat unintentionally without making ihraam. Then he shows the prohibited deeds....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 2) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah mentions the targets for which one should be keen to perform pilgrimage, and the issues taken into consideration before traveling to performing pilgrimage. Afterwards, Sh. Muhammad begins to show the first pillar of pilgrimage, i.e. al-ihram and illustrate the difference....


Pilgrimage Step by Step (Part 1) - (English)

An interesting episode in English in which Sh. Muhammad Salah relates the history of pilgrimage (hajj) and shows that there is a whole chapter in the Quran called Al-Hajj. Also, He mentions the benefits and conditions of pilgrimage and afterwards says that there is a great threat in the Sunnah....


(13) The Names "the Beneficent and the Most Merciful" (Part 3) - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Bilal Philips mentions some impacts of Allah’s mercy as sending Prophets and Books, Paradise and rain. Some people confirm that it is wrong to describe Allah as the Beneficent or the Most-Merciful and they do that based on invalid deductions away from the clear message of....


(12) The Names "The Beneficent and the Most Merciful" (Part 2) - (English)

In this interesting episode, Sh. Bilal Philips gives answer to a frequently asked question i.e. we know that Allah is the Beneficent, the Most-Merciful and his mercy conquers his anger but why some people will remain in Hell forever? Afterwards Shaikh Bilal mentions some issues refer to Allah’s mercy. Finally,....


(11) The Beneficent and the Most Merciful (Part 1) - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Bilal Philips explains two Names of Allah i.e. Arrahmaan (the Beneficent) and Arraheem (the Most-Merciful) because of the fact that they come from the same root and carry the same meaning. He shows that according to the Quran and the Sunnah.


(5) The Greatest Name of Allah - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Bilal Philips resumes his explaining of the meaning of the greatest Name of Allah and shows the root of the word "Allah". He also shows that the Prophet (peace be upon him) always urged and encouraged his companions to remember Allah through the day-to-day supplications and....


(1) Introduction to the Series - (English)

In this episode, Sh. Bilal Philips shows his methodology of explaining Allah’s Names according to Allah’s saying in Surat Al-A’raaf "And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against)....