An episode in English from the program "The Deen Show" in which Dr. Walid Basyouni talks about the differences between Islam and Terrorism, confirms that Islam is not just baseless slogans but it is a comprehensive system for our daily lives, and concludes with useful advice for Muslim and non-Muslim....
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- créole - كريولي
- ພາສາລາວ - لاو
- hrvatski - كرواتي
- Qhichwa simi - كيشوا
- aymar aru - أيمري
- ଓଡ଼ିଆ - أوديا
- Igbo - إيجبو
- Fɔ̀ngbè - فون
- Mɛnde - مندي
Why Latinos & Brazilians Are Coming to ISLAM? - (English)
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which Mr. Hernan Guadalupe shows the reasons that Brazilians and Latinos embrace Islam.
A marvelous episode of “The Deen Show” in which Br. Sanel Mehmedovic confirms that despite his disability, he enjoys his life, prays, learns and is thankful to Allah. His situation gives us a lesson that whatever we suffer, we should be thankful to Allah not to be angry about difficulties....
What Is Your Purpose in Life? (Part 2) - (English)
- Bilal Philips
- 21/10/2022
In this second episode, Sh. Bilal Philips pays the lost people’s attention to a very significant issue. He talks to those who do not know the purpose of their lives in this world. Even if they want to know, they may go astray due to the devil’s tricks and blind....
What Is Your Purpose in Life? - (English)
- Bilal Philips
- 21/10/2022
In these episodes, Sh. Bilal Philips pays the lost people’s attention to a very significant issue. He talks to those who do not know the purpose of their lives in this world. Even if they want to know, they may go astray due to the devil’s tricks and blind faith.....
Muslims in Islam Taking Action - (English)
- Khalid Yaaseen
- 20/10/2022
In this episode in English, Sh. Khaled Yasin explains that we should try to make people convince of Islam’s rules through practical steps, not just theoretical opinions. We should try to make them know that Islam has solutions for all problems they are facing such as interest, drinking alcohol, having....
Let’s Talk about Marriage - (English)
Three important lectures in English talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Mt. Eddie hosts Sh. Shpendim Nadzaku, Imam of the Muslim Community Center in Rockford, Illinois. Sh. Shpendim shows the virtues and....
Let’s Talk about Marriage (Part 3) - (English)
The third episode of the series of "Let's talk about marriage" in the program "the Deen Show" which talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Brother Eddie hosts Shaikh Shpendim Nadzaku the Imam....
Let’s Talk about Marriage (Part 2) - (English)
The second episode of the series of "Let's talk about marriage" in the program "the Deen Show" which talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Brother Eddie hosts Shaikh Shpendim Nadzaku the Imam....
Let’s Talk about Marriage (Part 1) - (English)
The first episode of the series of "Let's talk about marriage" in the program "the Deen Show" which talks about one of the most significant topics with which everybody is concerned. We all should have knowledge about all aspects about this issue. Brother Eddie hosts Shaikh Shpendim Nadzaku the Imam....
Why Do Muslims Eat Halal Meat? - (English)
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest medical Dr. Muhammad Khan shows why Muslims eat halal (permissible) meat. It is unbelievable to see how these animals submit when Muslims mention Allah’s word over them.
An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Mr. John Fontain talks about the sad and tragic accident of the actor Paul Walker of "Fast and Furious" Series.