
Strengthening of the Faith - (English)

This book is a translation of a famous book from Urdu to English, compiled by the scholar Shah Muhammad Ismail bin Abd al-Ghani (may Allah have mercy on him) known as “Shah Ismail Shahid” (1193 AH-1246 AH). It is a collection of verses and hadiths to prove the oneness of....


The Moral Principles behind Belief in the Destiny - (English)

A Friday speech in English in which Sh. Bilal Philips explains the sixth pillar of Faith, belief in destiny. He shows why so many people went astray about the right understanding of this pillar to the extent that some have denied it totally while others completely denying the human free....


Ten Questions and Answers about the Prophet Muhammad - (English)

A brief book in English contains ten questions and answers about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), particularly after defaming his honorable character by the Western media. It provides answers to the questions of some non-Muslim westerners who are wondering about what he presented to....


The Prophet of Islam Muhammad - (English)

A book in English which is considered one of the most comprehensive and summarized pictorial books about the prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It provides a broad biography and summarized information about him such as his character and personal details. In addition, it....


The Religion of Islam - (English)

The Religion of Islam : Islam is the Religion and the Constitution which regulates the lives of nearly a fifth of the population of this world with different cultures, ethnic backgrounds and nationalities. Islam consists of five pillars: Testimony of faith, Prayers., Alms-giving, Fasting the month of Ramadan and Pilgrimage....


Prophet of Mercy - (English)

Prophet Muhammad is mercy from Allah to all mankind. He was sent to teach humanity the concept of mercy even to birds and animals which he forbade the people from harming without a proper reason F. Allah had sent Muhammad to perfect the morals and to call people to good....


The Pillars of Faith - (English)

In Islam, faith (īmān) is based on six essential beliefs. Islamic beliefs provide mankind with access to the secrets of existence and the knowledge that nothing was created without a function or purpose. They relate to a person’s conduct and character and to his eventual condition in the greater life....


Rights and Duties in Islam - (English)

A book in English mentions the beautiful qualities of Islam, confirms that Allah takes much care of justice and rights, without any exaggeration or negligence. Allah ordains justice, mercy, and generosity towards relatives. This is why the author chose to briefly speak about some of these essential rights such as....


Are We Forced or Do We Have Free Will? - (English)

A book in English gives the reader a thorough understanding of how one's will, choice, and ability are subservient to Allah's Will and Power. He also clarified some related important issues such as Allah's allowance for disbelief to occur although He hates and rejects it.


Where is the “Christ” in “Christianity”? - (English)

An article in English explains that Christianity today neither follows the teachings of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) nor the early apostles.


Warning Against the Fitnah of Takfeer - (English)

This book is an amended transcript of one of the many, many sittings with the illustrious Shaykh, where he was asked about the issue of Takfeer. The sitting took place in Jordan. The transcript was amended by the Shaykh to make it suitable for print.


The Truth About The Original Sin - (English)

This is a very good book which deals with false Aqeedah of peoples, named “The Truth About The Original Sin”.