
Why Athan? - (English)

A short video in English answers the following questions: (1) What is Athan? (2) What does it mean? (3) Why Muslims are so careful about the call to prayer? (4) Why those words in particular? (5) Why did Prophet Muhammad command Muslims to repeat the words of the call to....


Rules of Fasting - (English)

An episode in English of the illustrated fiqh of worship series that shows the rules of fasting and the disliked acts during it, according to the Quran and the Prophetic Sunnah.


The Story of Jesus - (English)

A short video in English confirms that millions of people around the world, of different religions and cultures, love Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) but they differ about his identity: Who is he? Is he God? Is he the son of God? Is he a Messenger of God? Was....


Evolution of Fiqh: (14) Conclusion of the Series - (English)

A lecture in English in which Dr. Hatem Al-Haj handles the issue of rights and duties and how to fulfill both of them.


Concept of God in Islam - (English)

A book in English in which the author said, "It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah. Allah is the personal name of the One true....


Women in Islam Compared to Their Status in Other Civilizations and Religions - (English)

How was the status of the woman in the past? She was a commodity to be bought and sold, disrespected and dishonored. She was sold just like an animal or a piece of furniture; she was forced to get married or commit adultery. She did not inherit or own money;....


Realizing the Purpose of Life in Corona Times - (English)

A useful book in English proves the weakness of man in comparison with other creatures, and even the microorganisms that may decide his fate, Allah willing. They may eliminate human beings through deadly diseases. As a result, we have to search for their secrets and the great creator who created....


Slavery in Islam - (English)

A short video in English answers the following questions about Islam's view of slavery: (1) What is Islam's position on slavery? (2) How did Islam deal with these issues? (3) What is the difference between the concept of slavery in Islam and that of ancient and modern eras?


Metaphysical Effects on the Human Psyche A comparative study between religion and philosophy - (English)

Hidden Stimuli in the Human Soul - A comparative study between religion and philosophy


Ramadan: Month of Blessings - (English)

A short video shows the importance of Ramadan month to which the hearts of Muslims attach. They are waiting for it every year longingly and passionately.


Newton and the Trinity - (English)

A short video in English mentions the position of the English physicist Isaac Newton on the Trinity, the pinnacle of the Christian faith and shows how it entered into that belief from Newton's perspective.


Oneness of Allah - (English)

A great lecture in English in which Sh. Abdurrahim Green talks about the monotheism doctrine, for lots of people do not believe in Allah as the only God worthy of worship. In fact, most either associate partners with Him or completely deny that he exists.