
Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood - (English)

Evidence for the claim that Muhammad was a true prophet and not an imposter. Part 1: Some proofs that led various companions to believe in his prophethood. Part 2: A look into the claim that Muhammad was a liar. Part3: A look into some other false claims made by critics.


3 Reasons for God - (English)

An article in English confirms that there are many rational reasons for believing in Allah's existence but it briefly explains three simple reasons of them.


The Crucifixion - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Laurence Brown discusses the crucifixion doctrine in Christianity. He refutes this doctrine based on many aspects and confirms that it is baseless in Christianity.


Religious Mysteries - The Crucifixion - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Laurence Brown discusses the crucifixion doctrine in Christianity. He refutes this doctrine based on many aspects and confirms that it is baseless in Christianity.


Let There Be No Compulsion in Religion - (English)

An article in English in which the author shows that Islam does not force people to believe in it, which is really a clear point in the Noble Quran and Prophetic tradition.


"I Want to Be a Muslim but …" Myths about Converting to Islam in Islam - (English)

Three articles in English in which the author shows and discusses the obstacles that prevent humans from embracing Islam and confirms that we can overcome all of them.


The Original Sin: An Islamic Perspective - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Karim Abu Zaid discusses the concept of the original sin from the Islamic perspective and the ten ways to expiate sins in Islam.


Is the Bible Corrupted? - (English)

A debate in English in which Mr. Adnan Rashid tries to prove the authenticity of the Quran and in turn Dr. James White tries to prove the authenticity of the bible.


A Quick Look at the Quran and Islam - (English)

In this episode of "The Deen Show" in English, Sh. Wesam Sharif provides a brief explanation of the Quran, Islam, and the importance of contemplating the purpose of life.


Slavery in islam - (English)

1- The article discussed three issues: (a) slavery in Judeo-Christian tradition (b) pre Civil War slavery in the US (c) modern slavery. 2-Slavery is illegal in all Muslim countries. The article outlines the humane rules of Shariah for dealing with slaves when it existed. References are made to the primary....


Human Rights and Justice in Islam - (English)

A glimpse at the foundations of human rights laid by Islam


God’s Preservation of the Sunnah - (English)

1-The following series of articles discusses the means used throughout history to ensure that the Sunnah, or teachings of Prophet Muhammad, remained authentically preserved and free from alteration and interpolation. Part One: The warning given by the Prophet to those who say things about him which are untrue, and the....