
A Brief Introduction to Islam - (English)

A brief introduction to the meaning of Islam, the notion of God in Islam, and His basic message to humanity through the Prophets.


What is Islam? - (English)

The main message of Islam is the same basic message in all revealed religions, as they are all are from the same source, and the reasons for disparity found between religions.


Islam, a Profound Civilization - (English)

Statements of various non-Muslim scholars and intellectuals about the profoundness of the religion of Islam as a civilization.


The Beauties of Islam - (English)

A brief description of some of the beauties of Islam. By Aisha Stacey (© 2012 IslamReligion.com) Published on 08 Oct 2012 - Last modified on 26 Apr 2013 Viewed: 4757 (daily average: 22) - Rating: 5 out of 5 - Rated by: 4 Printed: 108 - Emailed: 1 - Commented....


The Prophecies of Muhammad - (English)

Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad which were fulfilled in his lifetime and after his death. These prophecies are clear proofs of Muhammad’s prophethoodmay the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.


The Miracles of Muhammad - (English)

The nature of the miracles performed at the hands of prophets. The splitting of the moon, and the Prophet’s journey to Jerusalem and ascension to Heaven. A mention of other various miracles of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.


Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood - (English)

Evidence for the claim that Muhammad was a true prophet and not an imposter. Part 1: Some proofs that led various companions to believe in his prophethood. Part 2: A look into the claim that Muhammad was a liar. Part3: A look into some other false claims made by critics.


3 Reasons for God - (English)

An article in English confirms that there are many rational reasons for believing in Allah's existence but it briefly explains three simple reasons of them.


Muhammad’s Claim to Prophethood - (English)

Three wonderful articles in English in which the writer refutes the allegations of those who wanted to challenge Prophet Muhammad's prophethood. In the beginning, the articles mention some proofs of his prophethood and counter the allegations that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) lied about what....


Shiism and Islam - (English)

Two articles in English in which the author explains the contradiction between the Shia sect and Islamic law and mentions some examples through their doctrine. In this research, the author shows the stance of the Shia on the testimony of monotheism, previous revealed books, the Quran, and prophethood, in addition....


The Authorship of the Quran - (English)

Three articles in English in which the author confirms that the Quran is the Word of Allah and refutes the misconceptions about that through the following three points: (1) The words of a human? (2) The words of a poet or teacher? and (3) Was it the words of Satan....


The Crucifixion - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Laurence Brown discusses the crucifixion doctrine in Christianity. He refutes this doctrine based on many aspects and confirms that it is baseless in Christianity.