An article in English in which Dr. Laurence Brown discusses the crucifixion doctrine in Christianity. He refutes this doctrine based on many aspects and confirms that it is baseless in Christianity.
Source : - Islam Religion WebsiteNumber of Items: 274
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- Fɔ̀ngbè - فون
- Mɛnde - مندي
Accepting Islam - (English)
1- Overcoming obstacles 2- Accepting Islam washes away previous sins.
God’s Preservation of the Sunnah - (English)
1-The following series of articles discusses the means used throughout history to ensure that the Sunnah, or teachings of Prophet Muhammad, remained authentically preserved and free from alteration and interpolation. Part One: The warning given by the Prophet to those who say things about him which are untrue, and the....
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Preservation of the Quran - (English)
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The Common Origin of Humanity - (English)
The Quran, the Muslim sacred scripture, informs humanity of their common origins from Adam and Eve.
Atheism: Denying the Undeniable - (English)
- Laurence B. Brown MD
- 20/10/2022
An article in English confirms that although a person may deny the existence of God, he deeply denies this idea. Being unable to understand some of the workings of God does not mean to negate His existence.
Mention of Jesus son of Mary from the Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad.
Bible Prophecies of Muhammad - (English)
A book in English confirms the Biblical proofs that Muhammad is not a false prophet through four chapters: (1) Bible Prophecies of Muhammad Witnesses of Scholars, (2) Old Testament Prophecies of Muhammad, (3) New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad, and (4) More New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad.
A Quick Look at the Quran and Islam - (English)
In this episode of "The Deen Show" in English, Sh. Wesam Sharif provides a brief explanation of the Quran, Islam, and the importance of contemplating the purpose of life.
Stories of the Prophets:The Story of Abraham - (English)
An introduction to the person of Abraham and the lofty position he holds in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam alike.
Morality and Ethics in Islam - (English)
The place of morality in Islam and its relation to worship.