
Accepting Islam - (English)

1- Overcoming obstacles 2- Accepting Islam washes away previous sins.


Stories of the Prophets:The Story of Jesus in Brief - (English)

Mention of Jesus son of Mary from the Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad.


Stories of the Prophets:The Story of Abraham - (English)

An introduction to the person of Abraham and the lofty position he holds in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam alike.


Misconceptions about Allah - (English)

1-Who is one true God? 2- If God is One why does Quran use the word We? 3- Religion in Pre Islamic Arabia.


Sorcery in Islam - (English)

What does Islam say about sorcery? Islam is able to offer several remedies to cure a person from the effects of sorcery.


Fortunetelling - (English)

A glimpse of how the practice of fortune-telling differs from Islam.


Seven Common Questions about Islam - (English)

Some of the most common questions asked about Islam. Part 1: What is Islam? What are Muslims? Who is Allah? Who is Muhammad?


How Does Islam Differ from other Faiths? - (English)

Some of the Unique Features of Islam not found in other belief systems and ways of life.


Peace and Security - (English)

How Islam creates a sense of peace with one’s creator and one’s self. By Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo


Happiness in Islam - (English)



Atheism: Denying the Undeniable - (English)

An article in English confirms that although a person may deny the existence of God, he deeply denies this idea. Being unable to understand some of the workings of God does not mean to negate His existence.


Bible Prophecies of Muhammad - (English)

A book in English confirms the Biblical proofs that Muhammad is not a false prophet through four chapters: (1) Bible Prophecies of Muhammad Witnesses of Scholars, (2) Old Testament Prophecies of Muhammad, (3) New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad, and (4) More New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad.