
Misconceptions about Allah - (English)

1-Who is one true God? 2- If God is One why does Quran use the word We? 3- Religion in Pre Islamic Arabia.


Sufism - (English)

Two articles in English in which the author Sh. Abderrahman Murad talks about Sufism and how its teachings contradict Islamic law. In this research, the author defines Sufism and shows its origin and its difference with Islam in the matters of belief in Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (peace and....


Bahaism - (English)

Two articles in English in which the author talks about the origin of Bahaism sect and its belief that contradicts Islamic law, in addition to its teachings that contradict each other.


The Crucifixion - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Laurence Brown discusses the crucifixion doctrine in Christianity. He refutes this doctrine based on many aspects and confirms that it is baseless in Christianity.


Sorcery in Islam - (English)

What does Islam say about sorcery? Islam is able to offer several remedies to cure a person from the effects of sorcery.


"I Want to Be a Muslim but …" Myths about Converting to Islam in Islam - (English)

Three articles in English in which the author shows and discusses the obstacles that prevent humans from embracing Islam and confirms that we can overcome all of them.


All of You Are Misguided Except Those Whom I Guide - (English)

All power and strength is from God Alone


Fortunetelling - (English)

A glimpse of how the practice of fortune-telling differs from Islam.


Buddhism - (English)

1-A brief overview of Buddhism. 2-The Concept of God in Buddhism.


Agnosticism - (English)

A book in English in which Dr. Laurence B. Brown MD analyzes the concept of agnosticism and discusses the statement of Huxley on agnosticism. He shows how the concept of agnosticism was formed due to the lack of logical defense of contemporary Judaism and Christianity and how a lack of....


The Talmud and Its Authors - (English)

What is the Jewish Talmud? How many versions of Talmud are there? Who wrote the Talmud? The article answers these questions in light of Jewish and secular scholarship.


Satanism - (English)

1-A brief outline of the different types of Satanism and their beliefs. 2-How seemingly benign practices can lead to very dangerous situations.