
Who Invented the Trinity? - (English)

1-How the concept of the Trinity was introduced into the Christian doctrine. 2-How the injected doctrine of the trinity remained part of the beliefs of the Christians and how Islam defines God.


The New Testament - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Lawrence Brown looks at what the Bible scholars have said about how the New Testament has been preserved and transmitted over the centuries.


The Old Testament - (English)

An article in English in which Dr. Lawrence Brown looks at what the Bible scholars have said about how the Old Testament has been preserved and transmitted over the centuries.


Kindness to Parents - (English)

1-Quranic injunctions on parents. 2-The great respect Islam gives to mothers. 3-How one can show appreciation to their parents even after their death.


Seven Common Questions about Islam - (English)

Some of the most common questions asked about Islam. Part 1: What is Islam? What are Muslims? Who is Allah? Who is Muhammad?


Let There Be No Compulsion in Religion - (English)

An article in English in which the author shows that Islam does not force people to believe in it, which is really a clear point in the Noble Quran and Prophetic tradition.


How Does Islam Differ from other Faiths? - (English)

Some of the Unique Features of Islam not found in other belief systems and ways of life.


The Spirit of Worship in Islam - (English)

1- The meaning of worship, and spirit and purpose of prayer in Islam. 2-More on the spirit and purpose of prayer in Islam, as well as the spirit of fasting. 3-The spirit of the Zakah (obligatory charity), and a glimpse of the Hajj.


Slavery in islam - (English)

1- The article discussed three issues: (a) slavery in Judeo-Christian tradition (b) pre Civil War slavery in the US (c) modern slavery. 2-Slavery is illegal in all Muslim countries. The article outlines the humane rules of Shariah for dealing with slaves when it existed. References are made to the primary....


Is the Quran Authentic? - (English)

The Quran is the final and authentic book revealed by God Almighty


Life after Death - (English)

1- The factors which necessitate the belief in Life after Death. 2- Some of the benefits in the belief of a Hereafter, as well as a conclusion of the various reasons to believe in its Existence.


Human Rights and Justice in Islam - (English)

A glimpse at the foundations of human rights laid by Islam