
The Abridgement of the Prophet’s Prayer Described - (English)

An English translation of the book written by Sh. Albany entitled, "The Abridgement of the Prophet’s Prayer Described."


Funeral Rites In Islam - (English)

A book in English in which the author explains the concept of funerals and the matters about which a Muslim should care in order to use his time in righteous deeds before his death . The author mentions some reasons for one's a good end and explains the etiquette of....


Discovering the Truth - (English)

A book in English that takes us on a journey of knowledge and penetrating insights to the destination of ultimate truth and reality in a rational and logical way.


Hijab: Unveiling the Mystery - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English talks about hijab and refutes the periodically raised misconceptions about it.


Status of Women in Islam - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English shows the status women in Islam and whether they are liberated or subjugated.


My Prayer: The 2nd Pillar of Islam - (English)

A great and interesting book in English that shows many aspects of prayer in Islam. It shows its virtues, names, times, how to purify before performing it, and the solution when we do not have water along with other points.


A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence - (English)

A book translated into English shows the jurisprudential rules in Islam with their proofs. It contains topics e.g. purification, prayer, zakah, fasting, pilgrimage, and jihad. Afterwards, it begins to show the other rules e.g. trade transactions, partnership, sharecropping, renting, reclamation of wastelands, possession of allowable objects, inheritance, marriage, divorce, breastfeeding,....


How to Pray - (English)

This is a simple poster shows how to perform prayer through illustrating images.


How to Have a Blissful Marriage in Islam? - (English)

An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Dr. Muhammad Rida Bashir, founder of familydawn.com, discusses how to have a blissful marriage in Islam through the following points: Conflict resolution, avoiding combative communication, alarming statistics of divorce, real issues such as "My wife talks....


Advice for New Muslims in Islam - (English)

An interesting episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which the guest Sh. Waleed Basyouny gives advice to the new Muslims.


My Prayer: The 2nd Pillars of Islam - (English)

A book in English shows that prayer is one of the main obligations which Allah orders His servants to perform. It is the first act of worship decreed on the Muslim Nation by Allah on the night of the Prophet’s ascension to the seven heavens. It is the second of....


Why Are Muslims Who Practice Islam Fasting in Ramadan? - (English)

An episode in English of the program "The Dean Show," in which Mr. Eddie hosts Dr. Sabeel Ahmed who explains why Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan and highlights the medical benefits of it.