
Impediments of the supplication to be answered - (English)

Impediments of the supplication to be answered


The Gardens of Virtue - (English)

The Gardens of Virtue


Neighbors in Islam - (English)

Neighbors in Islam


Ramadan: The Month of Fasting - (English)

A brief pamphlet in English talks about the month of Ramadan and its virtues.


The Sultan Ahmed (Blue) Mosque - (English)

An article in English shows the historical importance of Sultan Ahmad Mosque (Blue Mosque) and mentions the story of its building and the stages of its maintenance over decades.


If You Only Knew - (English)

A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud shows the importance of duaa (supplication) through mentioning some of Allah's beautiful names.


Dua to Stay on the Right Path - (English)

A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud mentions a supplication helps us to keep on the straight path. In Sunan Termidhi that Shahr ibn Haushab reported: I asked Um Salama (may Allah be pleased with her), "O Mother of the Believers! Which supplication did the Messenger of....


Dua to Pay off Your Debts - (English)

A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud mentions a supplication helps us pay off our debts. In Sunan Termidhi that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported, "A slave who had made a contract with his master to pay for his freedom, came to me and....


Dua to Literally Boost Your Energy - (English)

A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud mentions a supplication that helps us boost our energy. In Sahih Bukhari that the companion Ali narrated that Fatima went to the Prophet to complain of the effect of the grinding-stone on her hand, as she had heard that he....


Dua That Protects You from All Evil - (English)

A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud explains the following Prophetic hadith, "If anyone says three times every morning and evening, 'In the name of God, when whose name is mentioned nothing in earth or heaven can cause harm, and He is the Hearer, the Knower,' he....


Dua That Guarantees You Paradise - (English)

A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud explains the following Prophetic hadith, "Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi at the end of every obligatory prayer, nothing but death will prevent him from entering Paradise."


Dua at Times of Tragedy - (English)

A short lecture in English in which Mr. Majed Mahmoud shows the importance of duaa (supplication), especially at times of calamities.