
The Population of Muslims - (English)

Growth rates and projections.


Why Muslim Women Wear the Veil - (English)

Even in the face of adversity Muslim women choose to obey God.


Does Islam Oppress Women? - (English)

The real status of women in Islam.


Elevation of Women’s Status - (English)

1- An explanation of the fundamental difference in world views between the West and Islam in regards to women, and a glimpse of Greek and Early Christian views on women. 2-The stance taken by the West today as reaction to previous view, and the Islamic world view concerning women. 3-The....


Why Do I Wear Hijab? - (English)

A Muslim woman explains why she has chosen to wear the Hijab, not out of repression, but liberation.


How I Came to Love the Veil - (English)

Captured by the Taliban and jailed in Afghanistan, a British reporter tells her views of the veil and treatment of women in Islam.


Concept of Gender Equality in Islam - (English)

1- To be treated equally, or justice, does not always mean that each is the same. This article sheds some light on the differences between men and women found by modern science, and how these results reflect the way justice is met to each of the two sexes in various....


Female Circumcision in Islam - (English)

1-The various types of female genital cutting (FGC), its geography, and the different reasons it was performed in various societies. 2-A discussion of the notion that female “sunnah” circumcision, or Type I FGC, has an Islamic basis.


Polygamy in Judaism and Christianity - (English)

The history of polygamy and its legal status in the religions of Judaism and Christianity.


An Introduction to Polygamy in Islam - (English)

A glimpse of the concept of polygamy in Islam.


One Third of the Quran - (English)

An interpretation of chapter 112 which revolve around the concept of God in Islam.


The Style of the Quran - (English)

The article addresses the major themes of the Quran, the topics it discusses, its style of presentation, and some points of comparison with their own scriptures for Christian and Jewish readers.