
Obligatory Charity: Purifying Wealth - (English)

The benefits of Zakat and who receives it.


Ahmadiyyah - (English)

Three articles in English in which Sh. Abdur-Rahman Murad explains the difference between the teachings of Ahmadiyya sect and the teachings of Islam through the following points: (1) Origin and history, (2) Blasphemous Qadiyani beliefs, and (3) In the Scale.


The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran - (English)

Three-part series in English mention the Quranic verses about Prophet Jesus and his virgin mother Mariam. It includes her birth, childhood, personal qualities, and the miraculous birth of the Prophet Jesus. It explores the life of the Prophet Jesus, his message, miracles, and his disciples. It also indicates the Quranic....


Peace and Security - (English)

How Islam creates a sense of peace with one’s creator and one’s self. By Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo


The Original Sin: An Islamic Perspective - (English)

A lecture in English in which Sh. Karim Abu Zaid discusses the concept of the original sin from the Islamic perspective and the ten ways to expiate sins in Islam.


The Forgiveness of Muhammad Shown to Non-Muslims - (English)

The forgiveness of the Prophet towards non-Muslims, even those who sought to kill him and opposed his mission throughout his life


Is the Bible Corrupted? - (English)

A debate in English in which Mr. Adnan Rashid tries to prove the authenticity of the Quran and in turn Dr. James White tries to prove the authenticity of the bible.


Dua (Supplication) - (English)

1-The weapon of the believer. 2-The Etiquette of making Dua. 3-How to supplicate in a way that is more likely to be accepted. 4-How the Prophets made dua.


Prayer in Islam - (English)

How and why Muslims pray.


Happiness in Islam - (English)



Moral System of Islam - (English)

1- The basis upon which the concept of morality is built in Islam. 2-Some practical examples of moral commandments in the Quran dealing with various aspects of social and individual relations.


The Letter of the Prophet to the Emperor of Byzantium - (English)

A book in English shows the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that he sent to Heraclius, the king of the Romans, the circumstances of its sending, how the Romans received it, and the consequences of that.